The Canyon

Published: April 5th 2007
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The canyon....Massive to say the least. Nic, Jenny, Jax, Lou and Ron left Vegas a day early (very tough decision!!) and spent a night at the Grand Canyon Lodge. We arrived after a very long and hung over drive (6 hours) through the desert at the south rim of the canyon, just on sunset. It was really quite awesome, so many people and yet such a quiet place where you can kinda just take some time out and check out the view. We checked into our lodge which was 500metres from the canyon and enjoyed our first proper meal at a restaurant since arriving in America.

Lou and Jenny opted for a lack of sleep and got up to see the sunrise and the others appreciated some more shut eye before heading out for a morning cruising around the canyon. There are free buses that take you to certain spots or you can walk in between lookouts. Naturally we were lacking in time but if you had a few nights you can take a mule ride into the canyon or trek down and camp. The temperatures are really extreme, it got down to -1 celcius at night compared with 20 degrees at lunch.

Then it was time to mission it back to vegas to watch the belagio light show which as Kate said was truly amazing. We left Jenny there who stayed another night and the rest of us flew to LA to meet Kate, Ana, Dan and Dave to begin our very long journey to new york via that was an experience. Anyway we made it safe and sound to New York which is by far the most amazing city but more to come on that later 😊

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Yokels @ the canyonYokels @ the canyon
Yokels @ the canyon

These are a couple of yokels who rolled up to the car while nic was getting a jersey. They were fascinated my nic and jax and loved us being kiwis. They wanted phone numbers. They didnt get them.

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