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June 19th 2005
Published: July 16th 2005
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My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope.______Ovid




June 19, 2005, Sunday. We were awakened by an employee of the ferry going door-to- door, knocking, and calling,” One hour ‘til Ketchikan”. We have noticed folks in Alaska are a bit “lay-back”. They move slowly and efficiency is not high on their list of priorities.
After docking, we drove off the ferry and headed to the Safeway. For some reason our “frig” isn’t working properly? We need some supplies.
Downtown Ketchikan is quite dependent on tourism. Everyday cruise ships stop and the tourists flock into town. As we scouted around, we inquired about a plane trip to the fjords, it seems pricey.
As we continued to walk the weather turned rainy and cooler. A good rainproof jacket with hood is useful. “Steamers”, was our choice for lunch. We enjoyed halibut cheek. Yes, it is the meat from the cheek of the halibut and it was yummy.
There was a female blacksmith pounding away. She informed us, she is an apprentice and the only female blacksmith in Alaska. At the same location we found bikes to rent for tomorrow.
We made arrangements to “dine” at the campground with another couple, Bonnie and Jim. We found fresh king salmon and sockeye salmon along with a grill. It was so fresh it might have been caught tomorrow!
We enjoyed the company and the wonderful fresh food. It is like coming home. We sat ands talked about our plans for Ketchikan. I know we will met up tomorrow.

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16th July 2005

Wisdom of the East
Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in kind...what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our Karma is happiness and success. - or so it is said.

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