Beer, Cricket and Snow

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March 22nd 2007
Published: March 22nd 2007
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Just think Beefie, what we could do with all this beer. I know drink it!
Hi Nackers,
Well it has been a while since i last reported on our shenanigans but that does not mean that we have not been out and about. Canadians love their beer almost as much as Aussies so we thought we would go and see it made first hand. We took a short trip up the road to a small town called Cremore with a not so micro microbrewery. After quite as few free samples of their fine product (s it’s till no VB) we took the tour of the brewery. Beefie shed a few tears at the site of the large copper kettle used to cook up the magical ingredients that go into making beer. It was large enough to last a lifetime of trips from Melbourne to London (now that would be some solid drinking). When we went through the warehouse there was floor to ceiling, wall to wall beer everywhere and i nearly went into overload (could have been because of the dozen cold ones we already had before the tour). Beefie and i decided that we should really stay behind for some serious product testing, luckily we some how got lost from the tour group

I think we did a pretty good job. Time for a few cans!
due to a impromptu game of hide Boonie behind the beers. Half way through our second slab (or as the locals call them, two fours) Security found us. We still can’t understand how they did not look favorably on two seasoned drinkers of high regard such as ourselves, simply making sure that the beer was suitable for public consumption.

Well after that session at the brewery we took some time to experience life in the snow. The first point of order was to build a snow Boon complete with a first class moe. We were both pretty happy with our effort. So we sat back and had a couple of tinnies, soon enough we both had so many that we could not get up out of the snow. No matter how much we kicked and waved our arms we could not stand up. You can see in the photo how hard we tried. Apparently the end result was a snow angel.

Well now we are into the real business the cricket world cup. Unfortunately we can't make the trip to the Caribbean to witness Australia dominating first hand but at least we are close to being in the
Snow angelsSnow angelsSnow angels

Help! we can't get up. Must have been that slab we drank
same time zone. Canadians have no idea that it is going on even though they are playing in it (i guess you could call what they do cricket). It just means that Beefie and I have to go to as many different pubs across Canada and educate the average punter on the finer points of cricket. So this can mean only one thing ROAD TRIP! Our aim is to make it right across Canada by the end of the cup to spread the word of cricket the most sporting of sports. We will go from Toronto to Vancouver (we can skip the Eastern part it is full of Frenchies and people they call Newfies, which are all lost causes) and stop as often as we can to achieve our aim. Wish us luck, i think we will need it.

Till then Nackers

Boonie and Beefie are out


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