Cruising in Canada

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August 9th 2017
Published: August 15th 2017
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Wednesday, 8/9/17

DEPART: Nanaimo @ 0600

ARRIVE Henry Bay @ 1330

NM: 45

WEATHER: Clear but smoky skies, calm seas on departure. Winds increase to 7-10knts after noon.

PILOTAGE: It wasn’t long after hauling anchor that we started hearing Winchelsea Control repeatedly broadcast that Whiskey Golf was closed to through traffic. The military was hard at it, dropping something (people?) then picking them up in the middle of the sea. We watched for wildlife but only spotted 2 seals along the way.

It’s funny having phone & cell data for the first time aboard. It seems that we regularly check to see how important we are, if anyone still includes me on group emails, if there is something I absolutely have to care for now. Peter has a good reason to check having just launched and indeed, he has received a bunch of donations from interested people so spends time crafting thank you messages and responses.

Last time we saw our friends Howard & Linda, from Nanaimo, was saying goodbye in an airport having just landed from Hong Kong. We finally meet again, in Henry Bay on Denman Isl. just a short 7 hours from their home. They are returning from a 13-week voyage north up the Inside Passage to Haida Guwaii and back! 13 weeks! I didn’t make it 10 weeks last year, wanting to return a week early for a book sale event.

It takes us less than a minute to fall into old routines, 2 conversations going at once, Peter & Howard talking about best routes, weather and boat maintenance while I start to drool listening to all the fresh crab & salmon they have been catching and eating! We talk, talk and talk some more while taking the dingy to shore to swim from the beach! We enjoy a seafood feast aboard Silhouette for dinner; fresh ling cod and Dungeness on salad greens still fresh from the garden.


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