Day 50 - Banff

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October 23rd 2011
Published: October 23rd 2011
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I woke with a slight hangover, which I’m sure most of the others did as well, and we finally headed into BANFF for a fry up breakfast Melanie's Missteak restaurant on one of the back streets near the main street.
After a brief wait, Joanna, Kristina, Sarah and I shared a table, with the girls having cereal, and Sarah and I having some big cooked breakfast to get our day started on the right foot.

After breakfast, Todd took us through the town, across the bridge and up and around to the Banff Springs Hotel in the hills looking down on the town and the surrounding mountains and nature around. As I walked around the hotel it reminded me of the Celtic Manor in Newport near Cardiff and made me want to visit it again. It’s a hotel close to my heart.

When we headed back into town after the look around, Steve and I went off to do a cycle ride around the surrounding area. When we found the cycle tour shop, we were served by a lovely Scottish lass named Lori and we headed back along the bridge before cycling along the Bow River that flows underneath it.
A little further along was the Bow Falls that gathered many other tourists, before a little further still we found a large car park and a small bridge at that back that leads somewhere. Alongside it was a small path that leads onto the edge of a golf course, and after following it for half a mile or so, soon leads off onto a larger mud track amongst trees.
At this point we were a long way from the golf course, the car park and definitely BANFF, and all of a sudden we came across a small wooden bridge over a small flowing creek. We decided this was a perfect place to stop and rest.
As we walked on the bridge, and looked back in the direction we had just come from, we could see the top of the Banff Springs Hotel sticking out above the tall and very green trees, with mountains in the far distance adding to the view. What’s more, the water underneath us was as clear as anything, so much so the rocks at the bottom could be clearly seen. It’s almost as if the water wasn’t there it is so clear, and quiet.
Apart from the female hikers coming across our paths we were uninterrupted and felt we had found a right wonderful spot amongst this wonderful and beautiful National Park.

Eventually we headed back, and after getting a replacement Navajo arrowhead from the nearby trading post, we returned the bikes.
After meeting up with the others, we all headed to Banff Hot Springs to experience the natural hot springs found there. When we were told about this, I was imagining natural springs to sit in, but when we get there, we looked down at a swimming pool area, and could smell the hot water, as we looked on at how crowded it already was. One other thing we were all looking forward to was the swimming costumes. Todd told us they offer the chance to wear 1920’s style swimming costumes, and after some last minute persuading, we all got the 1920’s costumes.
The guys seemed to have no problem getting changed and wearing them and are out of the changing rooms waiting around for the girls, who were more embarrassed to be wearing them than we were.
The costumes were all one piece, in navy blue with a white trim in the middle. The men’s costume was more knit woven, whilst the girls seemed more modern and seemed like any other swimming costume you can get these days.
When they finally appeared, we were all standing in the corridor that led to the pool area, when we all finally decided to head out together. I led the group, and as we walked through the small room full of water to wash our feet, we soon headed out into the open of the pool area. As we all walked out one by one in a line, I could tell that everyone in the already crowded area had stopped what they were doing and were all staring at us as we entered.
We headed around one side of the pool area and dropped our towels together in one corner, before we all got into the water.
Instantly the water was so warm and inviting ,and once we got our whole bodies underwater, there's no resurfacing.
At first we all stuck together as one group, but we slowly broke off into smaller groups. I even walked to the other end of the pool and back. Even Joanna got the attentions of a bloke, but turned him away quite quickly.
We were there for some time, and I had a lot of fun, as did most of the others, and not once did I feel the least bit embarrassed.

Once we resurfaced once more from the changing rooms and at the front of the centre, we headed back into town and got separated for an hour or so to check the town out some more, before all meeting up again for dinner in a nice little restaurant called the Elk and Oarsman. Kylie, Scott, Annabel and I arrived first and killed time waiting for the others by having a couple of drinks.
When the others all arrived, we headed to the back room for the meal, where I tried elk. Needless to say I found it delicious.

After dinner, we split up again and I joined Joanne and Kristina in finding a nearby internet café to check some emails before we pay the $1 fare on the bus out of town to our campsite to catch another early night ready for tomorrow.

BANFF was so amazing. Despite being a small town, it was heaving with activity. Just look at what we did today. And there is so much more to offer. I could live here if I could. I know I have said that with other places already on the Tour, but I really mean it. I may just follow Lori’s approach and apply for a working visa. And she was so nice as well! It’s such a shame that we were already leaving the next day, but I definitely want to return here again.

After I make myself comfortable in my sleeping bag and have started reading some more of Huckleberry Finn, I soon get a message from Frances to say that I’m an uncle again. Grace Ruby Laura Best is her name and weighs 9 pounds 1 ounce. I quickly reply and sent a message of congratulations to Mark but don’t get any responses.
Despite getting this wonderful news, I don’t get up again, as no one else is really here, so end up going to bed really excited and looking forward to calling home tomorrow. Woop-woop! Hi-ho!


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