Tel-Aviv - Istanbul - New Delhi

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October 5th 2005
Published: October 5th 2005
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Tel-Aviv - Istanbul - New Delhi

Hi All,

The 10 hours connection in Istanbul seemed, at first, to be promising. However, after only 3 hours sleep at the former night, those 10 hours would appear to be difficult to pass.
My first stop was the Hagia Sophia church that people say it is beautiful. It might be buetiful - but closed.
2nd stop was the Blue Mosque - beautiful and open.
3rd stop was the Topkapi palace- probably beautiful as well, as people say - but very long que for tickets so I quit this place and went down to the bay.
By this time, the sky became cloudy and annoying drizzling rain has begun so I quit my 4th stop - to sail in the Bosphoros.
I then went to visit the Dolmabache palace - and again, beautiful but closed.
My final stop was another mosque that was not in my plan but it was quite nice. That nice that I fell asleap. I was that tired. When one of the mosque workers woke me up and asked me to move to a less public place, I felt that this is the point to return to the airport and so I did.
In the flight from Istanbul to Delhi, Turkish Airlines was so grateful that I have chosen their airline that they gave me (and all other passangers) a small present that expressed their thanks. It was a pink kit that included the following:
A pink purse.
Pink socks.
A pink tooth brush.
A pink comb.
A pink eyes cover.
I wonder if men would use this kit as well. It is such a feminine colour.
Now I am in New Delhi, no exicting stories so far. Waiting for Ayelet that should arrive soon.

Bye, Sharon

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