First day of classes!

July 4th 2011
Published: July 7th 2011
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FIRST DAY of school / July 4

FEliz dia del cuatro de julio!

TOday was our first day of classes! We woke up and ate breakfast. Our breakfast cada includes milk con chocolate so como hot chocolate and orange juice with a sort of bread whether a crescent or a muffin. Today was a muffin. THen we attempted to go the bank. After waiting for twenty minutes, I WAS finally able to talk to a banker which is not set up like the United STates because it is a desk not like  a teller. He informed me, in spanish, that you are only able to use credit cards at the ATM (cajero) no in the bank--what a waste of our time. We then went to the center to use the internet before class. The internet works great in the center..too bad it is never open for our use. 
Entonces, los clases de conversation and cinema with the same teacher, THey are LONG classes, but we like our teacher so it works out okay! WE WILL be having daily vocabulary quizzes and some writing and presentation assignments, I am escited for the classes. After our classes we were in the computer room using interent when we were informed that we must leave because our time is up. Apparently we are unable to use the center when we are available, Que ridiculo. 

2-3Pm is the time for lunch. WE went back to the house to eat lunch with our senora. She is very laid back and makes food that we would like (it seems). I DON"T know what we had for lunch but it was good. They serve bread con every meal. We made plans with our friends to meet at 5 for drinks. 

SO, this time after lunch before meeting people is for our siesta!! IT's very important in SPANISH culture to have a siesta. IT IS a wonderful time :] I think this is something we should do every day in the united states. 

Quickly arrives 5pm. Especially when our window on the third floor is open with a small screen blocking it with tons of birds continously flying by!! Es muy loco! I have had many dreams that the birds are flying into our room at night or during our siesta! 

Then, at 5 we met friends for sangria, IT's very common to drink sangria and what else do we have to do besides homework? Many places were closed where we were going to go because the stores close from 2 to 5pm for lunch y una siesta and the bars close early after lunch until 8pm. It can be muy frustrating at times. We went to one place and it was not our favorite. 
THE WAITERS and waitresses here are very plain. Not rude nor nice ..we think because the tip IVA is included. this lady was completely not nice and we don't receive free tapas when drinking we left. We decided to go to Raquel y yo favorite place where we receive very minimal internet from the program center. 
INTERNet is one of the most frustrating things here because they expect us to do assignments and plan trips and stay in contact with people expect only like 4 houses have internet and the rest of us barely have time to use the internet from the school. 
We spent about 3 hours at the cafe near the center in the plaza mayor. THey ended up giving us their internet code so we are going to be going there alot which entials drinking alot of sangria because we cant just go and not get anything! 

Raquel y yo left around 9pm and walked some around segovia before headed back to our casa...where we are now waiting for dinner! 

SOME things from today: 1. I mispronounced a word so badly that the waitress at our favorite placed was laughing at me.but it's okay because now she is nicer to us and enjoys our table! 

We have decided that Spain is for lovers--as elizabeth said because everyone with a significant other are kissing and all over the other person. 

THAT IS About it for the day (oh RAquel has had the hiccups for  along period of time today) 

We also booked our hostel for Barcelona..the place is10 minutes from the beach and has a pool on the roof!! so exciting! 

Okay adios mi familia y amigos! Mucho amor. 


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