La Ville Rose

October 1st 2009
Published: October 1st 2009
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Little street, lovely restaurant, and my favourite kind of traffic - on foot and attractive. At one point the scene is practically out of a film set - two girls calling up to a friend on a balcony, a guy on an old bike meandering with baguette in hand, a couple walking together hand in hand and the obligatory well-dressed mother with 2 happy kids.
The shutters around here are a lovely pastel blue that suits the brick buildings down to the ground. It was the region's main export and made many people very rich.
I am in Toulouse, revisiting my past. They've torn down my old college and replaced it with a shiny new angular one, but my primary school is still there. Old friends are taller, and my childhood parks are smaller.
As it turns out, I was at school with the sons and daughters of engineers and scientists, who have gone on to do Phds and other useful things. One has a house, which is conveniently placed near the Pyrenees, so we decide to go on a long walk up to the Spanish border, to the Breche de Roland where the horn was sounded centuries ago.
The food, lord the food... Everything is tasty, bursting with flavour, even the take-out pizza is amazing. I envy these people, their lifestyle, but I don't envy the choking bureaucracy that smothers all. Good to visit, but I could never live there...
I'll be back, I need to show all this to Mon!

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Further family friendsFurther family friends
Further family friends

Needless to say, these people all produced exceptional food and drink.
St Bertrand de Comminges St Bertrand de Comminges
St Bertrand de Comminges

It's in the background, and it's much bigger than it looks.
I magically went back to NZ!I magically went back to NZ!
I magically went back to NZ!

Naah, it's just a beach near Bayonne.

and mango and sand
French people I knowFrench people I know
French people I know

And the Pyrenees
St Bertrand de Comminges St Bertrand de Comminges
St Bertrand de Comminges

I looked and thought 'wow, it's too awesome, must be photoshopped!' but it's not, it's just awesome.
French people I knowFrench people I know
French people I know

Twas lovely - this was the last day, when I went and meandered on my own.
Further family friendsFurther family friends
Further family friends

A demon is attacking me!
St Bertrand de Comminges St Bertrand de Comminges
St Bertrand de Comminges

but sitting down and no music. Hmm.
St B de C againSt B de C again
St B de C again

I liked the look of this, so I took a photo.

2nd October 2009

Funny how things start out...
Toulouse is where the first Dominican community was formed... after Fanjeaux, somewhat to the East, ca. 1208. I'd like to mooch around there as you have been doing.Thanks for the glimpses! And did you notice, in Toulouse AND Paris, how successful that Roland chap was, in starting a trend? Peter

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