Health Report

August 30th 2009
Published: August 30th 2009
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Thought it was time to update everyone on my health status....

Feet: no blisters! yes that´s right. I can contest to really good boots (yes Pam, they´re excellent) and top quality socks... wigwam socks are the best!!!!! Barrier cream and tape also add to the protection of these most valuable body parts. I am thrilled wiht this progress as all others (bar another wearer of scarpa boots and wigwam socks) are suffering.

Legs: Also holding up well. Stretches each morning and night are a must. I have muscles on my muscles though I am sure. the suntan could be improved as at present it is displaying all the signs of a framer´s tan.... sock line to short line only!

Hip: an occasional twinge just to ensure that I don´t forget I am getting a little older.

Back¨surprisingly strong and carrying the pack well. Agian stretches are a must.

Shoulders: my nemisis! They are tight but now seem to recover each afternoon well after a hot shower. (Bill some massge oil and your special touch would still be most welcome!)

Arm: Curves gym would be so proud! Using two walking poles every step of the way has ensured I am working hard on turning those flabby arms into muscle! They are also sporting a frarmers tan: you can see the tshirt marks unfortunately! Oh well... never was much on those all over tans!

Head etc... face is looking healthy with a slight Spanish tan, hair: I am doing the no shampoo for 6 weeks test so lets see how we go! Love the short hair cut though!

Overall I am doing well and feeling strong. I have battling the flu ever since London and some mornings my chest is extremely tight and very congested. But hey! This camino experience really tests your tenacity... I think I am passing.

Emotionally I am also doing very well. We are each very supportive of each other and have formed a wonderful community from all around the world of walking companions. It is so incredible a feeling to be greeted along the way or on arrival at the albergue by such friendly and welcoming people. Its like a big happy family. I wish there was some way of sharing all of this with you all. Its amazing!

Spiritually this is also an amazing experience. Taking time to really look around, take breaks and appreciate just where we are and why we are doing what we are doing is an indescribable (?) feeling. Its so amazing.

Final assessment: Strong, happy and feeling good all over! Missing everyone though. Take care.



30th August 2009

Hi Superwoman, Love reading your inspiring comments, the closest I will get to that walk so am really enjoying the experience. So so pleased you have no blisters, with all those strong muscles just remind me not to walk with anywhere on your return, not even a shopping centre! Getting excited now, Karen and I had dinner last night, finalising all our last minute details. Looking forward to continuing updates. lol Wendy
30th August 2009

The body is a marvellous thing; in conjunction with the mind, its designed to be tested. You'll continue to get 'walking' fit. You'll enjoy the rest day in Logrono. Food selection becomes almost an instinctive thing with your body telling what you need. Seek out your desires! Stay safe. all our luv.
31st August 2009

Miss Universe
Blooming wonderful! Your muscles , especially on the arms sound awesome. Move over Mr Universe, here comes Miss Karen. Stay strong. Love Jan
31st August 2009

I can only imagine how amazing this experience must be and I am sure you will make many friends for life. Hope that flu doesn't hang around too long. Stay well. Love Sheryl
31st August 2009

Mucho Bueno
Buenos dias Karen, comme estas? You sound like you are getting super fit and super strong!! Great news!! Hope you are wearing your hat! Are there photos for us to see? Pam March
31st August 2009

Fighting Fit
Hi Karen, You sound as though you are in amazing shape. Your thorough preparation has certainly paid off. I went to Curves today (felt proud of myself after my paltry half an hour) and one of the instructors said that she hoped you will be doing a diary of your adventure for them. The blog would do it! We also discussed your trek at Club Mac today as we sat out in the sun having lunch! We're all so proud of you! We're following you all the way! Cheers, Jan
31st August 2009

well done!
Hi Karen, You sound fantastic, congratulations, i am so proud of you - you are doing so well. I leave here on Friday so please let me know if there is anything you would like me to bring. Lots of love. Chick
31st August 2009

Your enthusiasm is infectious!!! I think we should all "go climb the mountains"! I LOVE reading your blogs... Keep them coming!
1st September 2009

Sounds absolutely brilliant! I can taste the summer wine! (Maybe that's because I have a glass here with me as I read your blog)! Stay happy and healthy! Miss you heaps!
2nd September 2009

Wow Factor Girl!!
Hello Karen, I am absolutely amazed at your progress and how well you are holding up. (All those months at Curves certainly have made a huge difference. ) You surely by now look like an amazon woman. Thrillled to hear of your support from the rest of the group - I imagine it is such an unbelievable experience that you just want to share it with these people along the way. All good here, Love hearing all your news along the way. Take care God Bless Janet xx
2nd September 2009

So happy to hear the reports. Today we have almost finished publishing all the video and writing the reports - so as that little adventure comes to end I'm thinking more about the Camino. How much of it will I do? What will I buy? Still seems so far away but I know it's really just around the corner. Thanks so much again for the reports, I'm using them all the time now.

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