
June 29th 2009
Published: June 29th 2009
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We are in Bruges. It is really beautiful like they say it is, but it is absolutely packed with tourists. So we are trying to take it in away from the main areas. Today we rented bicycles, which has been really great. We have seen so many backstreets and canals. We will probably go to the store later and get sandwiches and take them to a park near the windmills and just hang out. So far getting around has been fairly easy, even though we don't speak the language. We will probably leave here tomorrow and head toward Brussels. We will stay there for six days, probably taking day trips, we're not really sure yet. It's been really nice not knowing where we're going until we get there...sorry about short posts, but internet hasnt been as available as we thought, and this keyboard is made for dutch so its very confusing to type 😊 will have many many pictures to share when we return...

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Riding bikes on cobblestone...worth the pain...

29th June 2009

so fun!
Tera and Matt! Wonderful fun! So nice to talk to you this morning. Your trip is so awesome! I am so happy for you. The bikes are a great idea. Lunch by the windmills. I feel like I'm there with you. Just know I am in spirit. Cant wait to see all your beautiful pics. Brussels should be spectacular! I love you both! mom
30th June 2009

Hi Guys, It's wondeful to hear from you! I have been thinking of you guys since you left, and wondering where in the "world" you guys are...what you have seen...etc. I love the pictures! It sounds like you have enjoyed Brugges...even though the tourists have taken over. On your own path as ususal...that's what I like about your Hugs and Kisses, Karen xoxoxoxo
1st July 2009

Miss you!
Looking at your posts is like watching the travel channel. Everything looks so beautiful and it seems like you're having a great time. I hope everything keeps going well for you...I'm sooooo jealous! I'm going to be staying with Eric the weekend of the 18th so we should be planning to get together maybe saturday night of that weekend. Have fun and be safe. Call me when you get back. Love you!!
2nd July 2009

In Bruges eh?
Seen the movie? hehe. well you should! I'm uber-jealous! :) you like that? you know you doooooo. be safe and miss you! have fun with mattie! love ya both!
3rd July 2009

Awesome Pictures you two! :) Looks like you are having a great time. Keep the pics coming.
5th July 2009

he he
of course ive seen the movie silly...and it was definitely quoted a few times :)

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