
September 16th 2008
Published: September 16th 2008
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Welcome to my “travel” blog!

First thing’s first, let it be known that this is going to be a little different from your average globetrotter’s blog. I’ll probably be writing a lot less about travelling and a lot more about living. I opted to have my journal/blog on a travel site because that’s what I do. I hope to write more about the experiences I have and the people I meet than the monuments I see along the way though. I’ve finally been sucked into this whole thing because of my plans to do an internship in Bosnia in the next week or so (though I’m still unsure if that’s going to materialize). I imagine my experience there will be no small thing and I’m looking for an excuse to not squander my opportunity to “mine the grit out of life”.

Things in these pages are likely to get personal, and they’re likely to get a little political as well. To the extent possible I’ll avoid using full names or giving out personal information. In some cases I might even create pseudonyms for people. But if you know me well then you’ll probably know some of the people I mention. If someone I don’t know or trust should hack into this site, however, they won’t find anything compromising. I know some people have concerns about that sort of thing. Not to fear, I definitely won’t be making tabloids from this site.

Ultimately, I want to share what life is like for me from day to day so that, when I see you again, you don’t look at me blankly and say “what the hell have you been up to all these years?” I feel like travelling often takes me away from the people that matter most. But this journal is just as much for me as it is for you. Things seem to happen on a daily basis that I don’t fully understand, so this is my attempt to come to terms with some of those things and try to make sense of it all. I’ll try not to be too philosophical, too depressing, or too “nerdy”. If it happens that I ramble, I apologize in advance. You can either log off or send me a scathing review and tell me to get to the point.

So there you have it. Consider yourself briefed. Thanks for stopping by!


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