Wayne wobbles!

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March 11th 2007
Published: March 16th 2007
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Tea roomTea roomTea room

(The white building)Lovely views of the water and yummy stuff :)
Wayne had developed an ear infection, possibly from the swimming pool or the sea lions! He went a bit deaf and was very wobbly. He would stand up and look like he was ice skating around his house, wibbly wobbly! Poor Wayne 😞

I was working nearly every night during the week, wore me out! I went out with Wayne on Thursday night in the lorry (although wasn’t much company as fell asleep!). I took Friday off too recover and met my mum and her friends for a walk in Tiptree woods with the dogs. We had lunch at the garden centre and visited a Trade Craft sale in Kelvedon. In the afternoon I chilled out with Wayne; then headed to my flat to do some much needed cleaning and tidying (Wayne spent the time asleep in bed!). We went out for Chinese after he had woken up and realised I wasn’t there (I came back and we then went out)!

Saturday we had a sleepy morning, getting up at about 12pm. Wayne was getting less wobbly, he had a bit of a snuffle and sore throat. We went for a walk in the sun after some lunch at Heybridge Basin Café. Yummy soup and bread, I had big hot chocolate which Wayne got all envious about so after the walk we went back so he could have a hot chocolate and we both had some pudding. We got back just in time to go out again. Jeff and Emily came over and we all went to Milton Keynes Snowboarding again. I am rubbish - the worlds least coordinated person, with no balance! Wayne didn’t board as wasn’t feeling quite right, so he just watched. I fell over lots and ended up hurting myself and had a very sore arm. A hot bath and some pain killing gel when we got back helped and we snuggled up on the sofa watching Sister Act 2 (very funny) into the night. We went to bed singing La la la la laaaaa!

On Sunday we had to get up early (for a weekend) so set the alarm at 7.30am. We let it snooze lots before finally getting up. My mum and Mary (dive friend) arrived at 9am - I was eating my breakfast still! We left for Excel Centre London and the dive show. We walked around all the stalls, entering competitions and buying some more dive stuff. We stopped for lunch - jacket spuds and then we all swooned at Monty Halls (dive dude!). We had seen everything by about 2.30pm and decided to call it a day and go back home. I snoozed in the car. We got in and had some tea/coffee/juice and a chat. I then decided to have a nap after Mary had left. At about 6pm woke up hungry and Wayne decided to take me to meet his parents before taking me for food. His mum was probably as surprised as me! We stayed for about an hour, all having a chat (very relaxing) and then left for Maldon to get some dinner. We went to Prezzo’s for pasta, then Witham to deliver some oil. We finally got back in at about 9.30pm and fell asleep on the sofa! We decided we should go to bed and have an early night. Wayne was back up at 3.30am to take his lorry out!!!

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20th March 2007

He is yummy isn't he!!

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