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March 5th 2006
Published: March 5th 2006
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Route to camp Elphinstone

Calgary to Banff/Jasper/Lake Louise/Golden/Kamploons/Vancouver and final Victoria.

Additional maps: Route to camp Elphinstone

Hello Welcome to my travel blog

This is a blog of my travels through Canada and the US which I am doing for my Gap year. I am also taking part in a Gap Activities Project where I am spending 5 months working as a leader in Camp Elphinstone The camp is just North-West of Vancouver about a half an hour from Port Moody.

The first port of call is Calgary which I fly out too on March the 18th; I am then travelling with Chaz a guy who is also going to the camp. We are going to be following the Trans Canadian Highway from Calgary to Banff/Jasper/Lake Louise/Golden/Kamploons/Vancouver and final Victoria. I then start the camp in April till August.

I then have about 3 weeks to travel before my uni starts which I plan to spend travelling through the states.

Signing out


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