Packing Nightmares and Hellos!

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February 8th 2011
Published: February 8th 2011
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Hey up!

Well for those of you who don't know (where have you been), I'm off to China soon and I'm starting this blog to keep in touch with everyone back home in England. Today is just a quick Hello from me and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

T-minus 5 days to go until I fly to China and I'm totally fed up of packing! Trying to cram 22 years worth of my life into a baggage allowance of 20kg isn't easiest thing to do! My bedroom at the moment looks more like the burial ground of clothes and shoes than a peaceful place to sleep, and keep having this re-occurring dream that I'm trapped underneath mountains of clothes with a nothing but a stilletto to dig my way out!

Anyways I don't really have much more to say today but I hope you read future posts and find them filled with wit, wisdom and the wonders of life in China.


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