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January 2nd 2008
Published: January 2nd 2008
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Well, welcome to the new year everyone! Hope you all had a great time no matter what you got up to.

Myself, I had a relatively quiet NYE. Vaughan, Lucy and I headed to the Thames for the fireworks but we must have been in the wrong spot (despite the huge number of people around us that would indicate it was the right spot …) as from our vantage spot the fireworks were pretty crap and not a scratch on the Perth Skyshow let alone Sydney’s NYE celebrations.

Still we had a fun night and didn’t drink too much (shocking and totally out of character I know!). I didn’t even wake with a hangover which made the train ride home more tolerable than it could have been.

I did manage to have a party on my last night in Copenhagen. Headed out to several bars and clubs and danced the night away not getting home til 5am and then it was time to pack up and leave for London.

In London, Vaughan and I did our usual midnight search for an open bar, after a few no goes we found one and had a few quick beers. There were some crazy revelers in the pub that had just returned from the World Dart Championships. They were drunk, Scottish and probably a tad deranged but they were clearly having so much fun that Vaughan (and to a lesser degree myself) were amped to check out the dart semi finals the following night.

Ridiculously the dart finals had sold and tickets were over 40 quid each so we gave that a miss and instead walked the city a bit, checked out a couple of small photo exhibits (one by the Tsunami survivors and one a rock n roll series), tried to find some food (one pub had ran out of potatoes: crazy given almost every dish had spuds. Oh and yes we did do the “What? No Potato” joke …). Also checked out a good improve comedy event (TMC).

Like most of you I headed back to work on 2 Jan but struggled with the concept of waking up early! Still its only a couple more days until the weekend.

Until next time …Pete

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