A Galbraiths Reunion

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October 21st 2006
Published: October 21st 2006
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Today was another day of catching up with friends. We met Sheree, Rose and Roland, all of Galbraiths fame at Victoria Station and set off for the day. Our stomachs took us first to Soho where we had decidedly dodgy Chinese, made all the more funny by the fact the guy there couldn't speak English (silly us for thinking that once we made it to London we'd be able to order our meals without confusion!).

Deciding we needed a bit of culture after that episode we headed across town, for a walk across the Millennium Bridge to the Tate Modern. At the moment there is an installation there which is a series of slides in different shapes and lengths from various parts of the gallery. We tried to get on to the high one that circled all the way down from the top floor, unfortunately you needed tickets (free, but you had to queue for them) which gave you what time you could slide. The top one was booked out for today and the next one was not available til 8pm. Pants.

So we gave the sliding a miss and set about checking out the works on display. It was totally packed and some of it was a little lost on our tired minds and bodies and so we decided to continue on our way and set out into the sunny afternoon. I was lucky enough to pull everyone through the surrealism kinda area first though, so I got my dose of Picassos, Dalis, Miros etc - phew.

Everyone was pretty knackered and so after a wander back over the bridge to admire St Paul's Cathedral we found ourselves a pub, a drink, and spent the last hour or so catching up with everyone's news. It was really great to catch up with Sheree, and Rose and Roland, who I didn't know so well back in NZ and is kinda sad to think that it might be a couple of years before we see these guys again, at least we'll be able to keep in touch til either we move North or they head South again.


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