London Bridge is falling down...

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October 21st 2006
Published: October 21st 2006
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Today our laziness actually worked in our favour. When I awoke the sky was low and grey and it was pissing down. Then it took ages for us to get ourselves organised, and by that time the sky and cleared and it was a nice, sunny day.

Heading towards the Thames, we popped out of the underground right under the monument in rememberance of the Great Fire of London in 1666. Deciding that this clear sky could not be wasted we quickly climbed our way to the top. From there we had really magnificent views over the city, the river, and along to Tower Bridge. It was wicked. And we got certificates when we reached the bottom!

From there we took a leisurely stroll along the riverbank, stopping to have our lunch in the sunshine. With London Bridge being uninspiring and basically just a traffic jam over the water we wandered down to check out the Tower of London. It looked pretty cool from the outside and I hope we'll make it back, but time was limited so we continued over the bridge, encountering a pretty cool Japanese photography exhibit on the opposite bank.

From there we caught the train out to Forest Hill to visit my great aunt and uncle. They were lovely and gave us cake and tea, and even tried to keep us for dinner though we had a date to keep and so had to be on our way. Really funny to hear the opinions of the more distinguished crowd on the youth of today: rather than being concerned about the lack of morality portrayed by MTV they were afraid their grandson would pick up a terrible accent - classic!

We met Rob, Gkee, Ange and Sam-and-Anna in Trafalgar Square beneath the floodlit fountains and set off to find a feed. Despite the fact that we are heading back there in a couple of days, Rob insisted a tiny Thai place was worth the visit and so there we headed. It was pretty damn tasty and we are now well excited about getting some good Thai cuisine next week (Bangkok here we come!). From there we went to a rather rowdy pub for a couple of rounds, and some attempts at chatting over the covers band. A buggered up tube was a rather irritating end to otherwise pleasant night, but all in all it was pretty fun.


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