London & The Rolling Countryside

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London
May 14th 2015
Published: June 21st 2015
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Before our 8 hour flight even commenced, I knew I was going to like London. The British cabin crew and stewardess on our flight were some of the nicest and most polite I've ever come across. I have to add that It was truly delightful listening to all the different English accents along the way too, especially when they used phrases like "are you in queue?" and "do you fancy a drink?" We had a tiny... Read Full Entry

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22nd June 2015
London Tower Bridge at Night

Fantastic journey!
Wow, you really did and saw a lot in London. I was especially impressed with your day trip out of the city. Like you, I loved Bath, so I stayed for a week. Chicken tikka masala (Indian) is now the #1 British food--thanks to all the immigrants and ethnic food restaurant, so I'm not surprised that you had great Thai food there! And I'm pretty impressed to learn that the Queen inspects all those ketchup bottles--very busy lady (lol). Great photos and what an amazing journey you're on! What a contrast Santorini will be!
23rd June 2015
London Tower Bridge at Night

Awww Bath...
Wow, you are so lucky to have stayed in Bath so many days! I had no idea it was so special. Don't you love it when a place takes you by surprise like that? You are right about the Asia/Indian food. We ate Asian food quite a bit in London, it's not hard to find and its very good here :)
23rd June 2015
London Tower Bridge at Night

Awww Bath...
Wow, you are so lucky to have stayed in Bath so many days! I had no idea it was so special. Don't you love it when a place takes you by surprise like that? You are right about the Asia/Indian food. We ate Asian food quite a bit in London, it's not hard to find and its very good here :)
23rd June 2015
London Tower Bridge at Night

London Town
That's a beautiful photo
23rd June 2015
London Tower Bridge at Night

Thank you Dave and Merry Jo :)
25th June 2015

Ah London...
So glad you had a great time in the UK. And excellent tip about the changing of the guard! :)
26th June 2015

Thanks Renandrew!! ;)

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