travel day 15: London just doing some last minute things before heading to Paris

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Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London
June 8th 2006
Published: June 8th 2006
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woke up earlier and just went with my dad to go to the clink which i really wanted to see. it was pretty kewl. its an old prison and explain what it was like being there and about the horrible torture devices. tried to use an expired 2 for 1 coupon but they wouldn't take it. we tried our best! afterwards we went back to the imperial war museum so i could go to the holocaust exhibit to finish up. that exhibit is HUGE and very impressive as well as depressing. we then left to get a duffel bag because my mom bought a lot of shit here. the bag was cheap! 5 pounds for a nice large bag which is about 9 usd i believe. had lunch then at this amazing Thai Chinese vegetarian buffet. one of the workers recognized me. i think he viewed me as the girl who shouldn't have seconds lol. came back to the flat and have a lot of packing to do. I'm sad to be leaving London and not excited to be heading to Paris. no desire to go.


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