Pub Job Finished

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October 15th 2006
Published: April 24th 2009
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My time at the pub in London was definately a mixed one.

Some days were great - we'd laugh and joke with and about the customers, things would go right, the manager was in a good mood, we'd go out after cleaning was over, and sometimes we'd even manage to get into a club for free.

Other days were shite. The customers were rude (one girl once commented that the job would be perfect except for the customers), things would go very very wrong, the manager would be in a bad mood, and we'd get told off for going out late and making too much noise when we came back (once the manager set off the fire alarm at some un-godly hour after a night out. But I didnt hear it though and no one came to get me!).

But overall I think it was a great experience - I met some great people. There was a couple from Perth, who I'm sure I'll keep in touch with. And 2 girls who were 'lifers' - they wanted to be barmaids forever. One was Irish and kept us doubled over with some of the things she'd come out with.

Two guys got fired - one guy was accused of stealing some the takings while he was taking it to the bank and he was a bit of back-chatter (I had some of the best times working on the back bar with him - when no one was watching we would sneak drinks and swipe the tips). The other guy set off the alarm at 3am when we went back down into the pub to get his smokes.

Friday and Saturday nights were absolutely crazy. We would serve drinks in plastic cups, because we didnt have the time or the staff to be washing glasses. The police also got called a few times about the number of people on the premises - so we would have to tell people to 'get behind the line' (an imaginary line created by the markers on the pavement used to lay out the tables during the day).

And living in London was amazing - I can now say that I've lived in W1 (almost WC1) and my local street was Oxford St. I went to the Houses of Parliment, Buckingham Palace and discovered the British Museum.
It will definately be a lifetime memory.


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