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September 3rd 2006
Published: April 24th 2009
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I have been working and living in London for just over 2 weeks now and I'm loving it. I think I've had 4 or 5 really big nights out (hall of fame types!) and being in the centre of everything is great. The job is hard work - you would not believe the cleaning we have to do at the end of each night, plus Saturday is 'cleaning day' - but as one of the guys puts it its 'extra cleaning day'. There are 10 of us living above the pub at the moment but at the end of the week 3 people are leaving. A couple from Perth have also just started.
The manager is also one of the shadiest characters I've ever met (for example he keeps our tips and we're not allowed to over pour the beers so that he can pocket the allowance for wastage!), but we have our ways of getting through it.
I can't really tell you much more, except my plans for the next few months are to work until October and then do the cruise with my Mum. Then in November I've booked myself in to do a 2 week language course in Milan. Then I'm off to the rugby in Dublin for a weekend. When I get back I'll find another job (this one won't let me have a month off) and in Feb I'll be going home (just for a visit).


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