First comes love...

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Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London
February 12th 2009
Published: February 14th 2009
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then comes marriage...then comes a trip to India?

Well , maybe not for everyone, but for us it is.

When we purchased our plane tickets, we were offered the choice to take a flight to Delhi with a full day stopover in London. This sounded great at the time, but once we were out in the city, we realized how exhausted and jet lagged we were. However, we made the best of, as we always do, and joined the hop-on/hop-off sightseeing bus and went around and around and around, taking naps here and there.
London is great city and we would definitely visit again with more time to explore.

Next stop Delhi....

P.S We are having some difficulties uploading pictures at this time, we will try to get pictures up as soon as we can....


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