London Day 7

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August 28th 2008
Published: August 28th 2008
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Bill w/ coffeeBill w/ coffeeBill w/ coffee

We have almost the same picture of Bill in Paris
Hey I got a whole day with Bill (WOOHOO). Once we finished breakfast and some life chores like laundry, we did what we do best, we went shopping. We trekked all over the city and found a few good bargains and some things that weren’t bargains but we had to have anyway. It was a fun filled day in deed. Bill has this sixth sense to find the gay clothing shops and other things.

After a long hard day of shopping we went to see Billy Elliot. This was a truly great show, although I didn’t get all the references, some great dancing and wonderful acting. The show was 3 hours long and it could have easily gone on a bit longer and no one would have minded. I haven’t seen a show this good in a really long time. I am curious if they changed any of the show for New York. Perhaps I will have to go there next to find out.

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