Stonehenge and the Magna Carta

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July 5th 2008
Published: July 5th 2008
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From Matt - Yesterday was another long but great day. We only saw two things but could you pick any two more magnificent things? Caught a morning train to Salisbury and then a tour bus out to Stonehenge. Very often the anticipation and build up of something is a let down when you finally see it. This was NOT the case at Stonehenge. Built about the same time as the pyramids. Around 4500 years ago. How in the world did they stack those rocks? Move them? Shape them? Absolutely incredible!
We almost did not go to Salisbury Cathedral. At the last second we jumped off the bus knowing the cathedral would only be open another 45 minutes. Words cannot describe and pictures do no justice. There was a service about to begin so we quietly went through with our jaws agape and our heads swivelling. Vance saw the sign to The Magna Carta and in a small round chapel on the side of this magnificent gothic structure is one of the last 4 remaining original copies of the Magna Carta. It is also the most ledgible. If you can read ancient Latin you could read this. All around the wall werer friezes telling the story of Genesis and Exodus. It was fun to try and figure out which story was being represented. Then a caretaker handed us a phamplet that identified each one and we were right in most of the cases. Salisbury was a near miss that I am so very glad we made.
We will hang in London today and take the last Chunnel to Paris this evening. Our flight for Cairo leaves around 6 am sunday morning so we are planning on staying out and up all night. That plan may change! We are all exhausted and still have three weeks to go!
Lots of love for now and here are the other boys.

From RUSH - Yesterday we went to Stonehenge and it was awesome. We could not do a blog entry because we got back too late. We also saw the Magna Carta in Salisbury and I also got an old French coin while we were there. We got to ride in the front seat on the top floor of a double decker bus. I miss my brother and my mother and I am having a great time.

From Vance - stonehenge was cool, i don't know what the mystery is? looks like a clubhouse for a bunch of old rich guys....the magna carta (great charter) was a very unique thing to see. we took a train into the countryside...had a ploughmans platter for lunch..rode a doubledecker bus, and ate indian food for diner...rush liked the indian food...looking forward to cairo, london is way you hon, kiss my boy...


8th July 2008

I am so happy for you guys!
I love reading your daily journal and seeing the pictures! I love to travel and would look forward to hearing more of your adventures.

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