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November 8th 2007
Published: November 8th 2007
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London: here i sit on the tube, and what some may allege to be the source of london's life. its hustle and bustle here - perpetually - mimicking in the extreme, the goings on above this cavernous, almost unending hole. While Spain was akin to a slow and relaxing cruise, london (so far) can only offer overwhelming stimulation and unavoidable eye-opening sights and experiences. for all of this though, you wouldnt dare glance too long at someone passing by. - while everyone stares at you, staring back seems to issue some sort of warrant for aggression, hostility and attitude. especially where im currently staying in london's east end. attitude is what its all about here: the streets are filled with art, stenciling, graffiti and propoganda. advertising is big, bold and infinite - as are fried chicken, kebab, pie and mash and phone shops. the people here walk around like mirrors of their surrounds: a mish-mash of all that is seen and heard and felt, imitated by often outrageous, over-the-top, out there, unique, confronting, wacky and wild clothes, looks, styles and ideas. Flamboyant only exists here as the norm...

for my first weekend here, Emmanuel joined us from Spain, he Luke, Jimmy and I being wholesomely entertained by everything previously described, during out saturday night out on the east side of town. add to this the inhabitants, frequenters and fixtures of brick lane (a bar called "this is not a bar" & the old container in an abandoned car park space cum junk yard, that a local junkie is turning into a juice bar after having spent "years designing it, and having a crane drop it in for him" -amongst all else) and the east end leaves you pondering the whereabouts of this circus's ringmaster. fitting really, but slightly shocking in contrast to Spain's relative slumber.

Despite all of this, my transition here has been nothing but smooth - perhaps the "smoothest ever" according to Luke and 007. Work (the possibility of it, providing my trial shifts are a success) has practically been thrown at me, and i could soon be fully employed at one of the world's most famous nightclubs (fabric). I have an interview at another bar tomorrow afternoon, and photography work will be plentiful in the weeks to come - a small pile of shoots organised and waiting in the proverbial wings of this massive, inspiring european stage.

without lack of gratitude for his hospitality, i will move out of Luke's room today, and over to the westside of town. All accomodation here is small and cramped, a clear side effect of the sheer amount of people in this monstrous city. once more will i trundle around town with my bags - my life - accompanying me there.

Guy Fawkes celebrations here came to their ultimate explosive end last night. kids everywhere have been gleefully setting off pyrotechnics all weekend, colours dotting the sky sporadically, booms echoing through the sounds of this city's constant hum.

now i hope for an explosion of my own...

after the time of writing this, more good news was bestowed upon me. tomorrow night, i have been invited to shoot a highly exclusive event at a highly exclusive club, where i have been asked to shoot backstage and the show itself, showcasing international designers and hosting editors and representatives from magazines such as Vogue, Vanity fair, etc... its a massive opportunity, and fills me with excitement as to the platform that i seem to have chosen and landed upon...



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