Autumn in London...and mum and dad visit

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October 29th 2007
Published: November 5th 2007
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This week was when my parents came to London on their big world adventure from Sydney, Hong Kong, London, Boston, San Fransisco and finally my cousin's wedding in San Martin, California. Pretty much around the whole world! It is a beautiful time to visit the Northern hemisphere as autumn is in full swing and, although it is colder, the trees are looking stunning. It is possibly the thing I love most in our whole time of living in London. We have vines falling all over our windows and it is a great pleasure to watch them change colour each day. The streets are absolutely flooded with brightly coloured leaves and we can't often resist kicking them up in a storm of blazing reds, oranges and golds as we go along.
On the down side, there is fewer hours of sunlight. Daylight saving has kicked in this weekend, this means we wake up in sunlight but it gets dark at 4.30pm!(sunrise is about 6.45am) Each day we lose 4 more mins of sunlight. Soon we will be walking to school and returning in the dark.

I have noticed an air of change in the air...the anger is subsiding( I think this came with the sudden change from sunny to cold and grey) and now people are more chirpy and talkative. It's interesting to see the moods of the city change like this.

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