Hospital dramas

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June 14th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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Lauren acting career takes offLauren acting career takes offLauren acting career takes off

Lauren has been awarded this trophy because she is doing great at her acting after school club. She loves it and obviously she is pretty good too.
Well, I am now in a position to explain the state of medical care in England from our first hand experience this and last week. It's amazingly open and efficient, you just have to accept the bureaucracy. On returning from Ireland, Christine developed a virus which then developed into Asthma. Since we were both out of practice with handling asthma (it's been years since asthma was an issue) it got out of hand within a day and we needed to go see a doctor.

In England, you need to register with a GP. . Prior to this, I had gone to the local hospital where you just walk in and say "I'm not English" and they say "take a seat", then within 10 mins the triage nurse calls you in, checks you out with questions and gives you a time to come back and see either a nurse in the "Walk in " clinic or a doctor in the emergency ward. This is usually about a 45 mins wait. Very efficient and very good medical staff. I was really impressed.

We had registered but ended up a the hospital anyway.

So, all in all a tough week, mostly for Christine. She is now back at school and getting excited about her upcoming end of year 6 journey. She cannot wait.

PS We finally went to our local GP appointment later and she is now on preventative puffer. The GP said it was probably pollen induced and we can pull her off if after August.

Other news: Herve has been visited by a friend from his old work who is making the relocation to London also. He and his wife are looking for work and soon they will be getting to know this great place like us.

He decided to spend three days in Paris this weekend alone as Christine has her big High School test this Saturday and these schools don't give second chances so we must stay behind. He is cutely excited about seeing his mum and dad and brother (and his family) and his even going to spend the day with his old school friend. Just the two of them this time. I am very happy for him as he has been suffering so much with hay-fever lately.

I am well and Lauren is doing great at her drama classes so
Christine off to a partyChristine off to a partyChristine off to a party

The fashion here is very different to Australia and everyone wears these shoes and tights and tops like this. No-one, however wears their hair quite like Christine. This photo was actually taken before we went to Ireland by the way
I have enrolled her in an after school drama school. The school offers after school clubs here. Truly, a great opportunity for her.



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