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September 22nd 2007
Published: September 23rd 2006
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0


The stowaway was found
With less than 2 days to go, I hope I have remembered everything. Its not like planning a family holiday where I can rely on Julia to just about remember everything (which she is very good at with various written lists), nothing is ever left to the last minute.
I can see me forgetting so much but that's me.
Again the thought of being so far away from Julia and the boys it going to be difficult.
At European Grand Prix you never feel that far away, a short flight and you are in Stanstead, but with Japan, the more I check out the mileage the further it appears to be.
I shall miss them so much and yet I am only away for 12 days, perhaps its because since the boys were born its the longest I have been away from home, not since the cricket tours in the late eighties/early nineties have I been away from Julia for nigh on two weeks. Oh well that will probably account for the nerves and trepidation. Hopefully the hours put in at the language school will help me out, failing that I shall have to just make some local friends as quick as possible, should be easy at the footie.
Louis as usual is playing up, and tried to stowaway in my rucksack, but was discovered quite quickly.


Tot: 0.064s; Tpl: 0.008s; cc: 11; qc: 53; dbt: 0.0377s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.2mb