The Final Countdown

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February 12th 2006
Published: February 26th 2006
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3 weeks and counting.
Tickets - check
Passport - check
Visa - check
Anything sold in millets or blacks with the words "lightweight" or "packable" printed on them - check.

Ok guys life begins at... Heathrow.
This time in 3 weeks i predict that i will be tearing my hair out trying to decide if the blue shorts are essential and if two pairs of shoes are really enough. Once the scary packing thing is out of the way off i go - seeing as much of Australia as I can on a semi-budget-thingy-wotsit. (must not spend entire weeks food money on one nights beer!!) Im starting off in Adelaide where i have my safety blanket (thank you Pam) and from there im doing Mid and East Coast Australia in a clockwise manner.
Ive posted this so i can keep in touch with those ive left at home but also welcome comments or suggestions from anyone who has the pleasure (?) of reading the thoughts that come from the space in my head where i'm told a brain should be.

3weeks - AARRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!!
3 weeks - YYYAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!


21st March 2006

we wanna see a close up pic of a spider pls.x

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