5 days to go!!

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August 8th 2006
Published: August 8th 2006
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Hi guys, just a little tester blog really to see if this thing actually works! I don't know how often I'm going to use it, but I shall give it go...don't think I will be quite as good as Lucy!!

Anyway, 5 days to go till I leave, 12.30 midday sunday, goodbye England, well for a little while anyway. Got my tickets, visa...just got to pack yet.

Okay don't know what else to say, except see ya!! Going to miss you all lots, and I can't wait already for when I come home back to Keele!!!!

Layla x


9th August 2006

All the best
Hey Layla, Thought i'd jst say hey n tht i wish u all the best on ur trip, ur guna b missed by myself and mayb 1 or 2 more peops (only messin, i no ther'l b more tears shed!!). Was glad we met up the other day; think we can safely say me n john are the only peops allowed to control a boat in a the future!!lol, take care my gud lady n gud luck!!! love ste xxxx
9th August 2006

good luck!
hello, im so sorry for not replying to ur party inviation, i kept meaning to and kept forgetting, how rude of me! how comes ur off to america? travelling before u start back at uni or are u taking a gap year? look forward tor eading ur blogs!!!!! keep safe x x xsteph
9th August 2006

Well here we are..
Here it is Layla my darling, the inevitable postponement to our friendship, however i hope we can stay in touch over the internet but it still won't be the same not to have our quality nights out or just arse about in each other's rooms or frolick naked through the fields. i honestly hope you have an amazing time across the pond and come back with a lot of stories to tell. i know you haven't left yet but i can't wait til you get back. Dan x x

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