here at last, lacking sleep tho!

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August 14th 2006
Published: August 14th 2006
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Am here, just a quick notel really to say that I am at Appalachian in my room, its very nice...better than hawthorns, roomate isnt here is going to be someone american, which is good!!!

It 5.30pm here, so 10.30pm your time and I have been up since 5am sunday morning with only 2 hours sleep last night and a couple on the plane, am knackered, want to go to bed, but dinner is at 7 and then down to a pub for the evening to chill out but unfortunately no alcohol for me, altho I am dying for a nice cold glass of wine.

The airport was fine, no problems at customs at all, at orlando it was so quiet compared to gatwick anyway. Just delayed by 6 hours though which meant I missed my connecting flight from orlando to charlotte so had to spend the night in orlando..payed for by virgin, but it was all that great and was only in the hotel room for 3 hours, as we had an early flight to get to charlotte this morning!

Its quite hot here, not sure on the actual temperature but im wearing shorts and a vest top and still hot!!!

The campus is massive, it has like a dual carriageway thingy running through it!!!! The driving is weird too as they are on the other side of the road, going round corners is mad, I feel like we are going to crash. The bus/taxi thing from the airport to the hotel was free but in the morning the driver was like haha you guys forgot to tip me last night yeh so dont forget this morning...i thought what a cheeky begger, but the guy I was with gave him $10...which is £6...a big tip!!

Not sure what is planned this week, some boring stuff first, like documents and stuff but in a few days some cool stuff is being planned. The accents are weird too although as Im typing this it is sounding american in my head which is very strange!!!???

Went to wallmart, which is asda's really and everything is so big!! No lie, you cant buy a normal sized bad of crisps, they are all massive!! Oh also found out that there is no transportation out of appalachain, there is a little bus service which runs round campus and the town boone nearby but if you want to leave you cant, unless you have a car, serioulsy, no busses, trains, anything! So i have made one friend already who drove us to wallmart so must keep in contact with her if i need a lift when i want to travel!!

All the international students are like proper foreign, haha, non-western shall i say, oh one australian guy but the rest are all over.

Anyway, speak to you soon when some more exciting stuff happens!

- x -


14th August 2006

Happy you're over there safe and sound, sure you will have a riot of a time...missing you already my darling. x x x
15th August 2006

Sounds great!
So glad you've settled in really well, can't wait for the next updates! Ooo you must buy some Marshmallow Fluff, it's sooo yummy :) Take Care Lucy -x-
15th August 2006

goodbye lil sis!
Hey my little sis! Glad you got there safely, can't believe you are so far away! Seems strange that my little sis has spread her wings and she is off! I hope you have a wonderful time it is going to be such an amazing experience for you! Hope you have a fab time and that you do eventually come back! Watch out for all them huge portions of food!!!!!! Study hard but don't forget to have fun! I am so proud of you Layla, you are the best! xxxxx
15th August 2006

i am very excited for you..have lots of fun and look forward to reading about all your adventures! you will have such a great time. just don't pick up the word 'y'all' OK!!!!
15th August 2006

oh my god
ur actually studying in america!!! thats amazing! what are u studying? ooo dont lose ur essex accent! hehe! they're gonna love u out there, bummer about the drinking isnt it! ooo ur gonna be around gorgeous american men, mmmmmm! keep us up to date on that gossip, lol. take care sweetie x x x

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