A Bright Day in Brighton

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September 20th 2006
Published: September 20th 2006
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Goodbye London...hello Brighton!
For two and a half days, we walked miles around London, exploring the city's districts. Just imgine walking from one side of New York City to the other in three days.
We coincidentally arrived for London's biggest festival-the Thames River Festival-and were enticed into playing on a gameshow on the Yahoo! bus (where ALL of the questions were trivia about London...very unfair) and heard a concert by Stunt-Man (some UK boyband) and watched the equivalent of Mardi Gras during their Night Parade.
On Monday we took a bus to Brighton, where we were met by Phil, (my sorority sisters husband) who welcomed us into his flat with beer and a futon. Gratefully, we accepted for two nights and went out for amazing Thai food. What a luxury to have the internet and be able to sleep in without hearing 12 alarms going off!
Yesterday we visited The Pavillion-the incredibly ornate palace in Brighton where King George the 4th indulged all of his pleasures (women, food, music). From this, the city of Brighton earned the nickname "the dirty weekend" and there is evidence of its liberal views all over the city--we are staying in a flat across the street from a gay bar named "The Queens Arms". The city reminds me a lot of San Francisco-on the sea, very colorful, lots of people out (in both senses of the word), and a lot going on.
They have two piers which extend into the ocean. One is incredibly touristy-like going to a carnival on wooden planks over the waves, and the other burned down due to an arsonist. Its pretty eerie to see a haunting skeleton of a burned out building laying on the ocean. We ate fish and chips, then came back to cook dinner for our host. Now it is time to go to our next stop: Petersfield!

Additional photos below
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The PavillionThe Pavillion
The Pavillion

The madness of King George probably produced this
Sarah's boatSarah's boat
Sarah's boat

I saw this and thought of my sister!

20th September 2006

Weather in BRITGHTON looks great!
Well, it looks pretty clear and beautiful... you are very lucky to get such perfect weather conditions. Wow! Your sorority sisters husbands flat sounds so nice! That was sweet of him to let you guys stay. Hugs and Love, Stephanie
21st September 2006

Hi Angel
Loved the pictures from Brighton...and Sarah was so impressed that you were thinking about her. She printed out all the pictures out and we looked through them all in bed. Be careful. Get enough sleep. Have fun and enjoy every minute. We got an email from John. He's doing ok. Sounded a bit homesick and lonely but that's going to change when they put him in a sea kayak. Take care. DAD

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