Airplane Winshield Wipers

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September 16th 2006
Published: September 16th 2006
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Week One

The way it should beThe way it should beThe way it should be

Leaving from the airport.
We made it after a ridiculous amount of hours in the air and in airports with zero problems. It was almost eerie to have no delays, no changes in itenerary, and no lost luggage. We got into London at 7:30 this morning and made it through customs by 9:45. On the flight, I learned that airplanes have windshield wipers.

My next quest: how often are the planes washed?

Thanks to Rachel's PLANNING, we booked a hostel before leaving the states online. We took the well-marked Tube all the way to Raithethorpe neighborhood and checked into the hostel. Unfortunately, we couldnt get our rooms until 2 pm (bloody Brits!!!) so we locked our bags in the secret bag-hiding-room with a giant wooden key and took off for our first meal at an English pub. We found the charming Mayflower Pub (named after the historic ship that set sail from that very port) and ordered sandwiches while looking over the Thames River.
Adam and I stumbled through our delerious, sleep-deprived haze for another three hours along the river, watching crews row boats down the Thames. We happened to fall upon the Thames River Festival, the biggest FREE festival of the year (horray!) It was neat watching the boats of all different sizes and shapes bob down the river while being cheered on by onlookers from the banks.
We somehow made it back to the hostel for a nice, long nap. And we arent even finished with our first day in London!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Going up!Going up!
Going up!

Tower Bridge going up for the wooden ship

16th September 2006

London is beautiful
You are going to absolutely LOVE London...I think! The weather can be droopy...but it all depends on WHO you are sharing your time with there. In this case, if Adam makes for good company, you will have a great time! How was the festival??? Best wishes! Stephanie Perry
19th September 2006

Update 9/18
Hi Angel-Glad you made it. We learned from Betty that you were safe and that we really should figure out what a "blog" is. So we did and all is well. John is still in Dallas (but is expected to get out to Santiago tonight (24 hours late) so your luck apparently isn't contagious! Glad London is fun. Can't wait for pictures. Be safe and remember to enjoy every single minute...(even the ones that aren't so much fun). Love you Angel.
19th September 2006

John is making progress!!!
John's flight landed in Santiago at 7:46 a.m. this morning (Tuesday). We hope he was on the plane!!! (and not in Lubbock ha ha). Pray for him. He's got to get onto the Chilean airline (LAN) in Santiago, fly to Balmacera, then get on a bus to Coyhaigue where he will meet his group at 6 p.m. tonight (Tuesday). Hope all is well. We're checking your blog and so is Aunt Betty. You are on my favorites list. Hi to Adam. Take care of our girl Adam. (Please).

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