
Ukraine's flag
Europe » Ukraine
July 12th 2006
Published: July 12th 2006
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We are in a little town called Uzgorod just across the border from Hungary and Slovakia. OUr hotel is wonderful and right in the town center. The women are dressed up as much as they can and with their bodies, they are quite capable of it for the next year of their life or so. Our dinner last night was huge, Paul and dad had breaded veal that had things rolled inside and they were HUGE. Dinner for all four of us with drinks was about $20 and we were in a restaurant on the river Uzh.

The topilet paper are rolls of uncolored crepe paper that we would hang for decorations. No kidding! Mom and I just bought a lipstick each and the cost was $2 total. So, things in this little town are quite cheap, but one can also see it in the state of the economy as well as some of the people. Still the culture is intense and we are loving it. Tonight we are going out of town to a culturally thematic restaurant that should serve any Ukrainian dish taht we can imagine. I think (as per usual) that the food here is one of the best things. We keep looking forward to the next meal.

Can you read the sign behind Paul and me? It says Ukraine. Now, it has been quite long enough without a pivo (beer), so if you'll excuse us, we will go and imbibe again.

Das vedanya loved ones.


12th July 2006

Yum Yum!
Hi La and Paul! Just looked at your pics and comments, and love them already. Tasting pickles, buying $1 lipsticks, admiring the very dressed up women. I just spent a week in NYC and thought THAT was crazy but am really appreciating your "insiders' look" into Ukraine. Keep it coming! Will continue to read with interest, curiousity, and hunger pangs. Love, LISA!
12th July 2006

used toilet paper???
Laura wrote "The topilet paper are rolls of uncolored crepe paper that we would hang for decorations." I knew you two were "adventurous + unique" - but why are you hanging used toilet paper for decorations???? Laura, methinks your part time job as a home decorater just went down the tubes (yes, pun intended)... :) Things are well back in Edmonton - you're missing nothing - so have fun...
14th July 2006

Yak tam colo vas?? You have to be careful with your photo ops that involve pickles, or Paul will be pulling out his new cap!! Eat, drink and be merry! Lori is still at work, you khules. Talk to you soon. A

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