July 4th

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Europe » Switzerland
July 8th 2007
Published: July 8th 2007
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So how does Europe celebrate July 4th?? or better yet.. how do kids from the US in Switz celebrate July 4th?? Well..

We start off with a sandwich lunch.. of course Glion food is always exceptional and we had probably the best quality meat, sandwich fillings, and side dishes there is.. and of course even the sandwiches had a nice European flair to them. What does this mean?? This means that we had roast beef, pesto chicken, tuna salad, turkey, all types of cheeses and breads- probably everything but your traditional sandwich bread, all types of salads, fruits, etc. And of course, everything is super healthy- just how the Europeans like their food.

We had our first free afternoon on 7/4 and we decided to go into Vevey, the city next to Montreux (on the right if you are looking down from Glion). Vevey is more urban that Montreux and thus, more ppl and more shopping. Of course it was raining, and of course tha meant some serious Euro-funk (stinkiness) on the buses. It took about 30 min to get there.. which isn´t all that bad. We went to shop at the mall in Vevey and I got a few stuff from H&M (a skirt and top to wear to Milan and a jacket cuz it rains so darn much here and I get cold..) Next we headed to MCDONALDS.. WHICH IS SOOOO MUCH DIFFERENT FROM THE US´. First of all, fries are LESS greasy, but just as good. It is a lil more expensive.. a meal costs around 7 bucks. The meat is Swiss beef and you have the option of ordering baguette bread instead of your typical bun. (In Italy, you can order Caprese Salad- which is a traditional Italian salad with mozzerella and tomatoes.. super delish). And of course, ketchup is not free. But in the spirit of Indep Day, we decided to splurge a little and buy some McDonalds.

For dinner, Glion put a special 7/4 Buffet BBQ Dinner in our club and served wine (of course.. since we are in Europe) and had shrimp skewers, corn, steak, rice, chicken, salad, ice cream, and all your other goodies. We had performances by Glion students and everything was decorated really nicely. Since it was our friend Eddy´s birthday that night, we drank to his independence from his mom´s womb while everyone else drank to the independence of our country. We had bought some WODKA (Polish vodka.. ahahah) to try it out and to play it safe.. some Smirnoff. We drank at night in Grace´s and my room.. where Eddy freaken yacked on Grace´s bed and the path to our sink -_-" It stunk up a storm I swear. (wasn´t his fault though hahaha) .. watched Incredibles to sober up, had a sleepover, and called it a night.

The next day our room smelled sooooo bad.. but thankfully housekeeping switched all our linens and towels that day.. I was so embarrassed to go inside our room when they were still cleaning our floor haha. -_- We tried cleaning, scrubbing febreezing half a bottle onto the carpet but it all failed so we spent the night at Steph and Britney´s. Thankfully it doesnt smell as bad now cuz the boys scrubbed it out, poured some detergent on it and we had the weekend away cuz we went to Milan.


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