Javea - Exploring One of Spain's Most Well-Hidden Beauties

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November 21st 2014
Published: November 21st 2014
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When thinking of traveling to Spain, the first places that come to mind are obviously the capital – Madrid. Right after that would probably come Barcelona and Valencia, and if you are particularly interested in electronic music and large events – Ibiza and Mallorca. The truth is, however, that there are many Spanish towns which are completely disregarded by the tourists, but should definitely be explored at one point of another. One of such towns is Javea, a place we were fortunate enough to stumble upon.

Javea, or Xàbia as they call it in Valencian, is a small coastal town, located in the province of Alicante, Valencia. It is a town that at a first glance does not seem to offer anything particularly interesting to the general tourist, however we were quite amazed, almost mesmerized by its magic atmosphere.

The location

Being a very small town located on the coast, Javea offers incredible beaches, both wild and well-kept. It is a place where no matter where you look, you will surely find a comfy spot according to your taste and needs. There are many beaches that seem to have been never touched
by a human, where you can fully enjoy a private moment with the nature and the gorgeous water. On the other hand, there are just as many both traditional and modern restaurants, clubs and cafes located right next to the beach where you can enjoy reading a book under a parasol or a shade sail, with soft music playing in the background. I must say that we've had no trouble whatsoever locating the appropriate place to enjoy our holiday.

The food

First time visitors will be astonished by the variety of food and special dishes Spain has to offer. It seems like even once you've discovered your favorite dish and promised to yourself that you will never "betray it", something much tastier and unique comes along and you are once again lost in the rabbit hole of Spanish cuisine. From traditional "paella" to Spain's own version of a typical Mediterranean pizza (believe it or not, it actually tastes better than Italy's), there are countless of restaurants waiting to surprise you with their inventive recipes and ingredients.

The people

The streets of this small town seem to resonate with children's laughter all day long as they play in the
small alleys of Javea's old town. Every morning you can witness the elders coming outside, each with a small chair in his hand, looking for a spot to sit down and chat with neighbors. These people seem to carry the most calm way of life, which can be especially seen once the clock hits noon and everyone is off home for a round of siesta. At some point it was almost as if the time stood still, and we had to make sure everything was alright. The pace is just so much different around there.

While it does not have any specific attractions, it is the simplicity of its beauty that this town has surprised us with. Javea will be visited again, and it definitely deserves a spot on anyone's travel destination list.


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