Arte and delirium

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid
May 26th 2006
Published: June 14th 2006
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All I wanted to do was sleep, but I didn’t get any of that done. I didn’t even bring my paper in. I told the professor that my computer hadn’t been working the last two days and that the final copy of my paper was on the computer. I told he I had the first draft on a disk, but I had to fix it up. I don’t know if she believed me or not, but she said that I could turn it in any time this weekend. Sweet!

Right before the test, Oscuro had told me about this one artist, and it’s a good thing we did that little review because that guy was definitely on the test! I only knew a few things about him, but as least I had something to say about him. It’s better than leaving it blank. I feel like I did okay on the test. I knew what everything was, but I didn’t have a lot of information to put down. My mind just wasn’t working. I guess you should get more than 30 min of sleep the night before a final. I’ll try and remember that for next time.

I was going to go home and work on my paper but then Tasha reminded me that we could stay after and see what we got on our lengua final. We went in together. She did amazing and I did okay. When I stress too much, I don’t function. But it couldn’t been worse. Monica told us we needed to hang more confidence when we speak and that we knew more than we thought we knew. Oh Monica!

I came home and took an hour nap. It was the best hour of my life. I had to of been sleeping hard because my throat was sore (which means I was snoring) and there was a tad bit of drool on the pillow. Gross, I know, but fabulous! I ate lunch, went to the library to get more research for my paper, ate dinner, finished my paper at 10, proofread it, and sent that puppy in. School was officially over! Hallelujah!

I got ready and went out to dessert at TGIF with Airam, Lavoie, and Tasha. I was only an hour late. That’s not too bad. I told um from the beginning that I wasn’t gonna be there on time. I ordered a banana smoothie, Tasha and Lavoie ordered chicken fingers, Tasha had a oreo smoothie, and Airam had a burger. My smoothie was good, but Tasha didn’t like hers. It tasted like booty. I don’t even know what that junk was. They don’t know what a smoothie is. They got lucky with me.
It’s Saturday, so of course we was out at Lokos. Everybody was there. It was like the last night to go out wit everybody, so we was wiling out.

Claribel came and hung out with us and brought some other Carlos III people. Our group was huge. I didn’t know half of them, but I had mad fun. We was wiling out. I met this guy names Chris, but he reminded me SO much of Earl Barlow. They both light-skinned, tall, skinny, and could dance real well. He was funny. I love that kid. He tried to teach me how to pop that booty, but I showed him I got my own way of dancing. I aint that ghetto yet, but I’ma work on it.

Oh, funny sorry. That Sachi girl who had a fit when Tasha showed up at Nacho’s dance class was at the club. She said “hi” to me like I knew her. I don’t know if she did it to piss Tasha off or if she thought I was some other black girl, but she was mad excited to see me. Then all night she was pointed and laughing at Tasha and just talking trash. There was almost a fight. Then, Tasha told Airam that he should go dance with Sachi, but then she thought he was spending too much time with her and got mad. That girl trips me out. So they had a little drama.

Usually I’m good to go all night, but by 3, I couldn’t keep my eyes open and I was beyond delirious. People were thinking I was drunk and high and everything. I didn’t even have the energy to get mad at um. I had a good time though. It was such a good night. The music was poppin, I was with my people, and I didn’t have any encounters with sketchy guys.
I couldn’t go on anymore, so I went to go bug Fadel in the VIP section. I kind of got to know the security guards and they were trippin me out. That’s why I love this club. The guys look so hard, but they almost as goofy as me. They were dancing and having a good time. Hey, Fadel might not dance for me, but they definitely were. Whoo hoo! Oh, but then the Charley guy came in and I said hey to him. Fadel gave him a look and I wanted to laugh. Then he asked me if I had cheated on him ever. Technically I didn’t. We were broke up when I kissed Pedro, so I told him I didn’t. Then I said if I was going to cheat on him, it wouldn’t be with Charley. He tried to draw the conversation out, but it was over for me. That’s all folks!

But then he got upset with me because I didn’t want to make out with him 24/7. I told him I don’t do the whole public affection thing and he tried to convince me that it was okay cuz we were in Spain. *LOL* I make that kid put up with a lot of trash! Poor thing. He started to get really upset and I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he was really sad that I was leaving. He said that his next girlfriend was going to be just like me because he needs a girl like me. He told me he respects me and loves that I’m a good girl. You know, all that really sweet stuff.

It was finally time to leave (Thank God!). I was ready to be out. We were all standing outside making sure everyone had a ride/way home and saying our goodbyes. Tasha and Lavoie had met these guys from Germany. I don’t even know what to say about them. They were special! Hahaha. Fadel thought that since I wasn’t standing with him that it was okay to smoke a cigarette. I get tired of being his mother and telling him not to smoke, so I told Lavoie to tell him not to smoke. She tried to warn him, but he just shrugged it off. If he thought I wasn’t kissing him before, I really wasn’t kissing him now! I didn’t kiss him all the way home, and then I made him brush his teeth twice before kissing him. Take that! I know the kid is addicted, but he should know better than to smoke before he’s gonna be with me.

So anyway, we had to have another discussion. He did something and not only did it make me furious, but it made me not trust him for a long time. I was so disappointed. It’s weird though. I’ve been with people a lot longer than I’ve been with him, but he’s the only kid I’ve been tempted to have sex with. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older, because I’ve been giving into temptation, or because I truly feel close to this kid. Whatever it is, it’s a dangerous situation and I had to stop it.

So we were just laying there and started having all these deep conversations. Sometimes serious conversations aren’t the best when I’m delirious, but it woke me up. This kid is a lot deeper than I thought. Then my stomach started hurting. I knew I was supposed to get my period, but I didn’t think it was supposed to come for another week. I don’t know what was going on with my body, but I pretty much wanted to die. I made him be my mother and rub my tummy. He was just laughing at me. He said that was his kid inside. I couldn’t remember what he said the name was, but it was probably French or something. I told him we couldn’t have kids together because his kids are gonna be good and mines are gonna be heathens! He also talked about marriage and if I wasn’t together with someone by 25 or 28 to call him because then he’d be ready to settle down and he’d love to settle down with me.

The saddest thing happened in the morning. I had finally fallen asleep and his phone rang. Well, first his house phone rang, but he refuses to get up and answer that cuz he’s mad lazy. But then his cell phone rang and he answered it. It was his mom. She told him that she wasn’t feeling good and asked him to come and get her. We thought that she was at the metro, but she was standing outside! She called back and told him to hurry up! What had happened is that both his sister and grandpa are in hospital (sick and amputation) so his mom was really nervous and anxious because she didn’t know what the outcome was going to be in either situation. She said she almost fainted, and we had to go down and help her with the groceries. I just wanted to give her a big hug, but that would have been a little awkward. Pobrecita.


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