My Parents Come to Visit!!!!

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid
March 5th 2006
Published: March 20th 2006
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OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! My Mommy and Daddy came from Jersey to come visit their favorite daughter, me!! Okay, so I'm the only daughter, so it works! They also happened to stay just across the street, in the Holiday Inn, less than a 5 minute walk. We saw a soccer game, ate tapas, and went shopping. On Sunday we went to El Rastro, the Spanish flea market. I skipped a class on Monday just to hang out, and I had a midterm on Tuesday which I studied for with them. I loved seeing my parents, but it sort of made it more real about how far away I am. I miss everyone 20 times more and although I love it here, I can't wait to get home! I love you guys, see you soon!!

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20th March 2006

WE miss you
Come home!!! we miss you... and you'll only be the only daughter for 363 days!!!!!! It's less than a year can you believe? Wish we could have come out there too!!
5th April 2006

Babe, how jealous am I that you got to see Real Madrid and DAVID BECKHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much for having pics which, forget the copyrights, are now mine!!

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