not much to say but, i have pictures

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid
March 16th 2006
Published: March 16th 2006
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It is almost the end of the first week here and some of the excitment is wearing off..I dont think that it will become routien though seeing the beautiful arcteture though because it is just soo gorgus I just cant get over it. I love the storks as well they are so huge and everywhere. I wish i could get a good picture of one but the zoom on my cmarea is realy bad so i never maage it. I would love to get a picture of one flying but that has proven just about imposible. I like the school as well it is really beautiful built out of brick and topped with the standard red tille and various decortaing that make it absoultly stunning. The launge is very challengin but i am being ing to understand a few people almost all the time and few people none of the time. I hope that the family that i am stayign with and i got out to see some sites again this weekend it was really awsome when we went last weekend. I dont think i will ever get used to 6 hours sleep . Im a spoilled baby i like 8
a monistarya monistarya monistary

Thes picture are all from Olmedo, the town where my school is its about 3 hours north west of Madrid. This isnt the town i live in i have only.published on of my town because it is soo small, its just houses and a church and cows. ( dont mind the crappy quality)
to nine and six just isnt cutting it. I think this and the heat are making me a bit grumpy. Nothing eles intresting and groud breaking has happend, we got filmed today at school when we ( the candain students) where trying to juggle and failign horribly. It is strange being to forigenre it feels like being a cleberty or something. I think two months is alot longer than i thought it would be. I hope i can handle doign my school work, speaking spanish, and doing hte various things that i have to do with my family. The school work issue was worring me this week because i havent been doing much at all, but i think that i will get more dso now because im over the excitment of being here and i think im ready to get down to work. Adios I will keep posting whats happening. I think next week we are going on a hike with the school, and it is aprently very beautiful i will post pictures. ( sorry about the bad grammer the spell check on this computer in in spanish)

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 a church a church
a church

i have mor picture but my conection is very slow so i give up.. ill post more tomarow

16th March 2006

Is it Homesickness?
Hey Erin, don't worry about feeling a little down. You're just getting used to all the changes, from getting less sleep to new family to a different language, new school/classes/friends, different food, the heat, you name it. That's an awful ot to get used to in a short time, so accept that it's difficult and don't fight it, maybe expect it. I think that will make it easier for you. And try to go to bed earlier, that might help you feel less sleep-deprived. That makes everything seem much worse, and you can't deal with the changes as well. Laugh a lot, cry some, eat and sleep well. It will help you adjust. So glad you're loving all the sights and interests of Spain. You're getting what you came for, and I think you'll find time flying by, once you settle in some more. Looking forward to your next post. The pics are terrific! ~lots of love from your aunt, Mary~
21st March 2006

hey erin!
I'm glad your enjoying yourself, and I'm realy sorry I couldn't visit you, but I hope you have an incredible time. Did you bring the lonely planet book with you? I find that they offer a pretty good history of alot of the old buildings in places where you can't understand what the sign is saying. Keep in touch, love Lucienne
23rd March 2006

Awww. I love your school. Thanks for the pics. I hope you are settling in and getting down to work. It is hard to concentrate when you are tired and out of your routine. I am very proud of you for taking this on. Love you and look forward to our next video conversation. Mom

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