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March 3rd 2006
Published: March 7th 2006
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Oh man, I love Fridays! Even though I have to wake up early for class, it’s only two hours and then I’m done. I don’t know what it is about Spanish classes. They go by so quickly. It was a little sad though. Sara and I were the only ones in class! The professor was lecturing to two people. Granted the class was only five to begin with, but still. I didn’t think I was going to be able to stay awake, but she actually gave us a verbal quiz, so I learned and reviewed. Bad news. Since there are two art classes and they are both really small, they are combining them. That’s not so bad. The bad part is that we’re getting the other professor. I love mines! She’s real cute, real young and she wanted to go get coffee with us and get to know us. Come on now! I’m disappointed, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I guess I just gotta suck it up.

After class I just went to the computer Lab. I had to do something to keep me busy. When I’m at home all I do is eat, so pretending like I have friends online is always a better option. I should have been working on my pictures, but I got mad lazy. Next week I’m all over it. I finally dragged by behind home and lunch was delicious. Surprising I know. Since I didn’t get a siesta all week, I had to make up for it.

I was determined to buy a pair of jeans and a birthday outfit today. I went to Sol. H&M had a great selection. I had so many options. Too bad none of them fit. It’s amazing how you can never find what you’re looking for when you have money to buy it, but when you broke you find a trillion and one things that look cute. I actually ran into Monica somehow and we decided to shop together. She bought some really cute things, but after three hours of rejection we rolled out. Maybe I’ll get something cute some other day.

So I have six missed calls from the same number and I’m kinda sketched out. Six calls in an hour. All I did was eat dinner. It’s probably my stalker! Hahaha. We’ll find out. But I gotta go pack for our group trip to Extremadura tomorrow. I finally get to hang out with all my friends. Hoorah!

P.S. It was my stalker. Time to make new friends!


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