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March 2nd 2006
Published: March 7th 2006
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I hate Thursdays! They are so flipping long. Arte is interesting and I learn a lot in Lengua, but this three hour Cine class needs to go somewhere. We watched a movie for half of it and I still wanted to shoot myself. I know I shouldn’t be complaining because it’s only once a week, but I’d rather never have to go. I should have taken a different class but I was too lazy to try out more and now I’m regretting it. I need someone to take control of my life please!

Now that I got that out of my system we can move on. So I was at school all day and all I wanted to do was come home and sleep. I was so tired that I fell up stairs! I almost knocked my teeth out. Good thing I got some quick hands. It coulda been ugly. But I came home and I didn’t even get to eat! Concha was having her cooking class and I had promised Alla I would go see a play with her, so eating did not fit in the schedule. You know how happy I was about that one!

Okay, weirdest thing ever. I knew one of my friends my middle school was studying here in Madrid. I had talked to her a few times, but we never got a chance to hang out. Well, as I was switched metros, there she was! It was crazy. I was just trying to find a place to stand where there wasn’t a trillion and one people and I ran into her! It was awesome. I’m sad because she is leaving in a week. I just got here and she’s leaving! But we promised each other we were going to hang out before she left. I just thought it was amazing how we randomly met in the metro. CRAZY!

But I rushed to the play. I got a little lost and had to call Alla way too many times, but I finally made it. I don’t really know how to describe the play. You could tell it was supposed to be really funny, but not even the Spanish people were laughing that much. I didn’t even understand what was going on! There was a lot of interpretive dance and randomness. I don’t know. It was good for what it was, but it wasn’t all that! But I got to meet Alla’s friend’s Matt and Ryan, so that was nice. She always says her group is weird, but at least she found some people she can hang out with sometimes.

Grrr, I’m really mad that I have class tomorrow. The girls are going salsa dancing tonight and I’m not! I didn’t even get home until 11:15 and I still had to eat. They were meeting at 11:30 so that didn’t work out so well. Plus, I was out til four yesterday and I have to wake up early tomorrow and this weekend is a study tour, so I decided I needed some sleep. But I would much rather be out trying to salsa. They best be going back! I’ll guess I’ll just have to dream about dancing with hot Spanish guys.


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