Okay...the Real Madrid!

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June 12th 2005
Published: July 20th 2005
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Me and Katie!Me and Katie!Me and Katie!

My new roommate! She is a sweetheart from San Fran!
I have been here for three weeks now.... and no ...unfortunately I not fluent in Spainish! Its harder than I thought.... But I have adjusted. It still takes me all day sometimes to do little tasks like charge my cell, but for the most part I can confidently go into a grocery store and get what I want.

I have moved into my very humble apt. I have my own room and it was absolutely terrible when I first moved in...it took three days to just clean my room not to mention the kitchen.... I have a washing machine and t.v...the only thing I don't have is interent connection in my house. So I have to walk down the street, which is really quite pretty. Its lined with trees on either side and there are plenty of cafes to sit by.

My roomate is very sweet...she even does my laundry! Shes great! She kinda reminds me of Ellen Degenere's girlfriend Portia..you know? Anyway, she is also in my TEFL program...but she hasn't quite made it to class just yet... its hard when you party till 6 in the morning.... 😉 what do you do!?

I have done so
Katie's boys!Katie's boys!Katie's boys!

Alberto and Paul! Alberto is from Israel, and Paul is from Arizona. They both have completed the TEFL program last month.
much...... the real Madrid is not what I expected. The Spainards are really not as interested in foriegners as I thought. In fact, I find myslef getting to know more people from other parts of Europe...mostly UK. Which is fine, but it definitely throws me off. I came here to adapt to the Spainish culture. To get to know the real Madrid..you need just one person who can speak fluent spainsh and will introduce to a group. They are really very selective and inclusive. Such cliques! I have met people who have been here for years and have just started to get involved with the culture. Its so interesting, especially when you compare it to the US. As a country, Spain is fun and welcoming on the surface, but to get to know the real Madrid....it takes real effort and someone who will take you in....untill then..you will remain a tourist. WHich is no fun!

I have been lucky....I meet a Spainard with a few connections...I have gone to a few spainish bars and ate a few odd tapas...no sardines...please..yuck!! I went to this faboulous piano bar in the center of Puerto Del Sol.... really great vibe... Ive been
My bed!My bed!My bed!

It's not mcuh...but its cheap and it's all mine..!!;)
to a jazz bar...and was invited to the hottest club in Madrid...its called "Joy"... Really!It was crazy....Techno/House all night!!!! It was kinda snotty actually, but we had VIP and I acted kinda Posh.....😉

School is fine..its not the best, but I am glad that I am getting the certificate..I will be able to teach whenever, wherever..so thatS cool...

I ended up being teachers pet...and took a babysitting position with my Business English prof. She took me to a lunch with her family in the north of Madrid this weekend...it was actually quite fun and an experience... It took 2 hours to drive over in desert like conditions... Madrid is so dry and humid....we drove to Avila...near the small village of Casaviejo....to their country house.

It was soo charming...sorry no pictures this time... I met a few well to do Spainish CEOs and we talked and had lunch for over five hours while the children napped.... I practiced my spainsh and they asked me what things were in English... I am getting better, but I still get a bit self conscious...😉

whew! I wrote a novel...i'll write more later...I have to study!!!...eww!


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In my room, I have a tiny little table, a couch, a huge closet and a dinky mirror.... the mirror has go!!
The life of a Hostel Diva!The life of a Hostel Diva!
The life of a Hostel Diva!

Bring attitude..... always!!!

16th June 2005

The real Madrid
I am so glad you get to see more into the real part of the city. It's great that you have been able to meet people that live there and can show you what to do. Only one more week of class, Good Luck! Keep the the blogs comming! Hope you had a great time at the beach! Miss you! Amy
17th June 2005

my heidi!
oh, reading about your life makes me smile...i miss you! I will see Amy soon hopefully...your little apartment--I love it! And all the memories and people and adventures. And the best part was your sunglasses pic--once a diva, always a diva. You can take the girl out of LA but you can't take the LA out of the girl. I love you! steph

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