Blogs from Miravet, Catalonia, Spain, Europe


Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Miravet May 4th 2011

Days 18-21: Miravet and Riu Ebre A large slice of our first day here was consumed with a viewing of the nuptials of the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Helen having undergone her one-day transformation from republican to royalist that takes hold every few years. Our four days thereafter at and around Miravet are described here in a single entry, as time has – if not stood still – at least seemed less linear in its progress. So rather than a chronological order of our activities (and inactivities), this is a more thematic treatment. To continue yesterday’s description of our physical location: Miravet village is located on the outer bank of a right-angle bend in the Ebro river, part of it on the river flat and the rest clinging to various angles of hillside and ... read more
Hillside above villa
Alley off the road up
Church next door. from balcony

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