The real fun in Cadiz

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Europe » Spain » Andalusia
February 26th 2006
Published: March 8th 2006
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From here, things were downhill. People were drunk and high and had no idea what they were doing. I love telling people stories about themselves! Okay, so it started raining and the whole crowd went down into the parking garage. The line to go to the bathroom was mad long, but I had to wait because I had to go. Tasha went in the men’s bathroom, but when I was about to walk in, I was stopped! Grrr. I came out of the bathroom and I believe Tasha was kissing Alex, I could be lying though. Joe threw Annie’s treat on the ground and that crazy girl picked it up and started eating it again! I had to save her life and squish it so she wouldn’t try and eat it again.

It stopped raining and we went back outside. Joe got a little jealous because Alex was getting all the action and randomly tried to kiss us all. He had some luck with Anita, Tasha, and Carla. I’m a picky girl, what can I say? We hung out for a little while longer and it decided to rain again! The weather was driving me crazy. So we hid under little roofs and stuff to try and stay dry. Joe bought an umbrella for two euros. The guy who sold it to him told him it was about to break, but Joe bought it anyway. That umbrella lasted the whole night! I was thankful for it.

So we were huddled under whatever and out of the corner of my eye I see Carla and Annie do a threesome with Alex. Then they kiss each other. Then Carla starts making out with Alex. These chicas were insane. I couldn’t stop um! I don’t know how, but Joe found me some gelato. It made my night! He is so slick though. He started feeding Annie the ice cream and making out with her afterward! I couldn’t stop laughing. These boys will do anything! She didn’t seem to mind though. I just ate my ice cream in peace!

We were sick of standing in the streets, so we went on a mission to find a club. It was a little too difficult because so much of our group was drunk and people kept getting lost. We failed miserably. But we did find another party in the streets. We chilled outside for a while and finally went into some bar that was open. Tasha met her ligue from Sevilla and I met the bathroom. I almost died trying to get in! Those girls are vicious when they gotta pee.

We lost Sara G., Matt, Meg, and Alex somehow. I started falling asleep on at the table, so I had to go outside and walk around. We found Joe and Wiggin on the stage talking to some random people and joined them. Good times on that stage. It’s fun to pretend that all eyes are on you.

It was time to go. We got Tasha out to bar and waiting like 20 minutes for Sara G. The streets were so crowded she couldn’t find her way back to where we were, so we met back at the churro place. I don’t know how, but Monica was there too. We had lost her ages ago to the pirates! We got a little snack and squished under the tent until it was time for the train station to open.

Well, we went to the train station, and so did everyone else! It was packed. I bet someone died that night getting trampled to death. I was falling asleep standing up and I lost my friends. Half the time my feet weren’t even touching the ground and other people were moving me. Somehow I made it to the front of the line alive and looked for my people. I could only find Annie and Monica. We walked inside and there was a police man. He wasn’t letting anyone in unless they had a train ticket! Good thing we had gotten a locker earlier. We showed him our key and he let us in. The line for the bathroom was ridiculous.

We got our stuff from the locker and then met the rest of our friends on the other side of the police man. We couldn’t bare to be outside anymore so we slept in the crowed ticket office room! It was the best hour of sleep ever. I was passed out. It started getting too crowded and we left at like 8 in search of Alex, Matt, and Meg. Instead of walking all the way back, we took a bus. That was the best move of the whole weekend. Somehow they had found a hotel to stay at. LUCKY!

On the bus another guy and his friend offered us a place to crash, but after five minutes of talking, the word “fuck” left his mouth and we saw his true intention. These Spanish people aren’t shy at all! It’s kind of ridiculous! I hate horny men. Our three friends were at the bus stop so the group was whole again. No one got lost and everyone made it out alive.

Alex was the first to leave and the rest of us stayed in little shop. We had a little breakfast and slept on the table. The others left an hour later and then there were only four left; Monica, Jordan, Annie, and I. We felt we had overstayed our welcome and moved on down the street. Annie and I found somewhere to buy some socks and then we walked to a restaurant. It was 11:30 when we got to the restaurant, but only the bar was open. The restaurant part didn’t open until 1. Shoot, we stayed there until that junk was open and then ate lunch. Jordan left while we were still eating and then we walked back and dropped Monica off.

The sun came out and Annie and I went and laid in the sun. We fell asleep and then it was finally our turn to go home. I slept the entire ride back. I’m not talking about the sleep where you can hear other people talking or when you wake up every once in a while. I’m talking about deep sleep with a little snoring involved. I only woke up for bathroom breaks and dinner.

We made it back to home sweet home, ate a yogurt, called the rents, and took a shower. But now my body is falling apart! I can’t keep my eyes open. My brain isn’t functioning. My legs hurt. My feet are frozen are falling off. My face is nasty and my teeth have a film covering them. My eyeballs are dry from having my contacts in all weekend and my hair is nappy as nappy can get. My body has disowned me! Everything I have is disgusting. Just thought I’d complain a little bit before I went to bed. Finally! Good night!


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