Party time in Cadiz

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Europe » Spain » Andalusia
February 25th 2006
Published: March 6th 2006
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Anyway, Madrid has nice bus and train stations. Apparently not everywhere is like Madrid. We got dropped off on the side of the road in the middle of the night! The bus ticket place was just a little window. Unbelievable. It was freezing and we had no idea where to go so we just decided to follow the crowd. We assumed they knew where they were going. We found a McDonalds and had to stop and pee. We couldn’t resist the temptation for food, so we got some of that even though we still had stuff from Concha.

When we left McDonalds all our fellow travelers were gone so we had to fend for ourselves. We decided to follow the signs that pointed to the center of the city. Eventually we found signs that pointed to the train station and we wanted to get a locker, so we followed those.
Cadiz might be a small city, but when you have to walk the whole thing, it’s not that small! No joke…we probably walked two and a half miles to the train station and when we got there it was closed! We were pissed!

It was probably 2 a.m. and we had nothing to do, so we went exploring. We followed a bunch of random people dressed up. No one really knew where they were going because they were going in all different directions! We finally found what we thought was the party. It was just a bunch of people dressed up in their costumes drinking. I was not impressed.
At 4:00 we got a little hungry and decided it was snack time. We didn’t go on the beach, but we sat on the wall right above it. We had a nice little picnic. Some guy tried to speak to us in a different language and then other Spanish people asked us where the party was at. We weren’t any help for either group!

We trudged our way all the way back to the “bus station” to pick up our friends and then walked all the way back to the center of the city! Yes, Anita and I had our workout. My plan of getting thick might just have to wait. Some guy was walking around like he knew us, so I asked if he did. Yeah, he was with us! Hahaha. I made a new friend and his name is Jordan. He goes to Carlos III and has class with Monica and somehow knows Tasha. So one more guy is added to our group! Yippee. I love boys!

It started to rain before we even left to go back to the center of the city. We hid in a lobby of a complex for a while. Tanya, Tasha´s sister, had brought a sheet and they were wrapped up mad tight. It was a funny sight. Not gonna lie, it was a little chilly outside. Everyone came hungry. The only place that was open was this Churria place. Churros weren’t that expensive but they looked sketchy. I just settled for my orange and told myself I would wait for real food, which by the way we never found!

At 8 a.m. we went back to the train station. It was open! We brushed our teeth, washed our face, and got lockers. It was raining outside, so we decided to take refuge. We meet some cool guys from the States and they told us their story about how they thought they had a place to stay but ended up sleeping in the station. They were hilarious! Then some guy came and took all the benches away. Ridiculous! We were now homeless and chairless!
At 10 a.m. we got bored and decided to walk around the city. On our way out of the station a couple started to talk to us. They seemed real cool. The guy wanted to stay and talk, but his girl was tired and ready to go home. They offered to let us come to their house, get warm and crash but we decided that might not be the best idea. I wanted to say “yes” so badly because I was cold, wet, and tired, but I have good friends that talked me out of it. I guess my judgment had already begun to leave me!

The couple did tell us that nothing started until like 8 at night and that was a disappointment. I thought the party was going to be an all day thing, but now we had to find something to do for 12 more hours! I told those crazy kids that there was nothing to see, but they didn’t believe me. Some people went into the Cathedral but I refused to pay to see a house of God. We met some crazy people outside though. This one clown who was in Sevilla was there again. He was SO creepy. I wanted to run, but my peeps had my back. He made us little balloon animals and gave us lollipops. There was also some old guy playing the accordion. Annie’s personal favorite was this guy named Adam. He was just a little older than us and traveling all around. He was playing with devil sticks. He reminded me of my neighbor Benji. Real chill, cute, does his own thing. But then Adam deserted us and we went to get lunch with his friend.

Usually lunch is at 2, but we couldn’t wait any longer! What losers! We went to one of the little places where you can buy sandwiches and everything for a dollar. Tasha is so funny. Her senora had made her some pasta thing, but she didn’t want to eat it cold. She found somewhere to get it microwaved and made me go with her! How random! I couldn’t stop laughing. That girl trips me out.

We stayed inside as long as possible. The whole day it rained on and off and the sun never came out so it was freezing. We walked the streets for a while. I went into a shop and bought a pin that said “hoy es me cumple.” We lost Alex, Matt and Meg. We had to get away from the rain again and took shelter under some roof thing. I don’t know how long we were sitting there. I think I fell asleep because some car was heading straight into me, and I didn’t see it. They were screaming our names! Unfortunately we had to move.

We left Wiggin and Sara in search of a bar. Things didn’t turn out so well. We ended up right were we started and the two Sara’s were still there! We went to a little restaurant and all I wanted was some hot chocolate. This place didn’t sell any hot drinks. Not even coffee! That should be illegal. So I got freezing cold water instead. Sweet!

At about 5 p.m. we left our little shelter in search of ice cream. We found it! But I didn’t get any. They had hot chocolate too, and I was an ice cube, so I chose the hot chocolate instead of the ice cream. It was a very difficult choice! I’ve never heard of white chocolate hot chocolate, but I was brave and tried it. It was the best thing I ever had in my life. I’ma open a store in the States that sells it. It was absolutely amazing. If you ever get a chance to try it, do it! I was in heaven.

While we were drinking Alex, Meg, and Matt came in completely wasted! They had met a whole bunch of random people who had hooked them up with free drinks. Those kids never stop surprising me. Somehow they had found the rest of our friends and we met outside. Monica was talking with some guys from New York. Before I knew it, we were taking shots of abstinence! It was nasty. That junk burns like a mother going down and tastes like cough syrup. I could only do one. I would never put myself through that again. Good thing Joe had his galletas with him as well as some pop cuz I needed something to wash it down with. Gross!

I finally changed into my costume and we started taking pictures. The party started in front of the Cathedral (The first night Annie and I saw it we decided it couldn’t be a cathedral because there was graffiti on the door!) A whole bunch of people were just chillin on the steps in costume. We met some guys smoking pot. There were cool, but they smelled rank. We went through our first bottle of sprite and vodka. Anita surprised me. She a lot crazier than I thought. I love that girl!

The party started to move, but we had to wait for Carla. She finally got there and then we had to find the rest of our friends again! This place was crazy. You couldn’t get down the street because it was so busy, and then half the time you were going down the wrong street! There was music playing in the streets and we were wiling out! We finally found our friends and decided to eat dinner. We were eating everything early because it was only like 7:15!

We were standing outside this one shop and Alex was freezing. I guess I’m his new fashion girl because I went in and helped him pick out another shirt to put on to keep him warm. When we came out Annie and Tasha had already promised themselves that they were going to do a threesome kiss with Alex. Vonnie got a nice litle picture.

We found a really nice restaurant to have dinner in, and it was surprisingly empty. Only three other tables had people in it. The dinner was good and we got a place to chill, warm up, and go to the bathroom. Our waitress was actually from the states so she was really cool. At first I thought she was Spanish but when she said “You downed that girl” I knew better! Hahaha.
We left the restaurant in search of the party. It didn’t take long to find. Just follow the crowds and the noise. There wasn’t a whole lot of load music playing, but the little bars had music and stuff. Everyone was just standing in the square drinking. I thought it was going to be another boring night, but little did I know how much fun I was about to have.

The people here are so creative with their costumes. I wish I had of taken pictures of everything. Some of the best ones: Pope, duff man with a cape and a belt of duff, people running from the bull and they actually had a shopping cart full of beer with horns attached, the bird flu, pirates, cowgirls, I can’t even think of them all right now. You name it, and I saw it. It was awesome!

At first we were really antisocial and just looked around at all the costumes. We bought some sprite and rum and sipped on that for a while. Then I lost Annie. One minute she was chillin with her new friends, and the next she was m.i.a. She finally called me and when I went to get her, she was wearing a pink wig. That girl was wild all night! She said she had to run away from some guy because he was making out with her.

The first people we started talking to were the pope. I’ve never seen so many popes in my life. Okay, I’ve never seen any, but there were a lot! I tried to learn all their names, but they just kept coming, so I gave up. They were cool until they started trying to hook up with us all. Tsk tsk. What kind of pope is that?

I love how I turn around and Tasha is eating. She kept getting peanuts from the pirates and they were delicious! I had to steal some. The pirates left and Monica went with them! I don’t know if she just can’t say no or if she just loves attention because she definitely went alone! They were just going to some bar and we wanted to socialize, so we let them peace out.

We needed new friends, so Wiggin, me and Annie went walking around. There were so many groups of guys, and since they had costumes on, you couldn’t tell if they had mullets or not! It was fabulous. We made lots of friend, but they always talked about “foller” and wanting to kiss us. I thought Americans were bad, but those Spanish are out of control! Oh well, at least I got to practice a little bit. Note: Foller=F*ck!


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