Polyglotism or another way of traveling

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April 4th 2012
Published: April 4th 2012
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After my begginers level achievement in Rusian I will start now with Chinese lessons. I'll try to keep up with Rusian moving into another level...

My languages...

Portuguese (my native language) is the 6th most spoken language in the world - 250 million speakers.

Spanish - wich I dominate since I was young - is the 3rd most spoken language in the world - very useful if you're traveling to South America, West Coast USA (California) or even Europe. Very easy to master if you speak portuguese.

English is also teached at elementary until now... Netheless to say it is the most important languange to "get arround" in today's world, doing business or traveling, english is crucial... I am also upgrading my level with hospitality management english through the next 3 years.

Rusian wasn't that hard to learn and I'll try to move to another level... I think I can express myself in this summer's journey in case someone doesn't speak english.

I'll start the basic chinese level - 1000 characters - and also hope to move forward the next year.



5th April 2012

Poliglotism - yes!
Privet, Žuanu! Ja pišu seičas po-russki, toļko latinskimi bukvami. Inače ņe polučajetsja. Polnost'ju soglasen: eto drugoj vid putešestvija! Russkij ja raņše znal otļično, teper' praktiki poubavilos'. Jesļi ir prihoditsja govorit', to vsjo na bytovom urovņe. A duša prosit čevo-to vozvyšennogo! Eto vsegda možno naiti v kņigah. Ņedavno psmotrel novuju ekraņizaciju 'Beloj gvardiji' Mihaila Bulgakova. Vpolņe snosno, jesļi daže ņe boļše: otļičnyje massovyje scen'y (kak ļegko maņipuļirovatj tolpoj), strašnaja svistopļaska istoriji v Kijeve, vozmožnost' i sposobnost' ļudej ostat'sja ļudmi. Sam ja krome rodnogo latyšskogo mogu obščat'sja na russkom i ņemeckom. Nu, ņemnožko na itaļjanskaom, tak čto ispanskij tože čutosku znaju, a tam do portugaļskogo rukoj podat'!
8th April 2012

first of all I will traslate your comment so others can understand it (Hope you don't mind) I had some help from a russian friend... ;) " hi, Juan (i guess it is your name)! i am writing in Russian now, but using Latin letters. Otherwise it won’t work. I completely agree with you: it is another way of travelling. Before I was very good in russian, but now I have no practice. sometimes I have some opportunity to practice, but it is at household level (it means that they talk about common things, nothing difficult). But my soul asks for more, for something exalted. This can always be found in books. recently watched the new screen version of “The White Guard” by Bulgakov. It was not so bad, may be even better: great crowd scenes, awful chaos in Kiev history, opportunity and ability to remain humanity. Except of my native Latvian I can speak Russian and German. And not much of Italian, so I can speak Spanish a little bit too, so Portugal will be easy)))" thank you for checking the blog and for the feedback... if you come to portugal some day feel free to say something. portuguese is perhaps one of the most dificult latin languages, but for those who master the rusian or other rich languages it won't be a problem... ;)

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