Purpose of life? travel? stay? build? play?

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December 29th 2008
Published: December 30th 2008
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Most of us come to the point where we need to take decisions that will influence us for the rest of our life, it starts with small ones, what mobile operator should i chose? where should i go this summer? should i buy this car or this car? and at one point it gets to "WHAT'S NEXT?"

For a person that spent the last years traveling, being away from "home" the question that applies is "should i stay in my home town and do something or travel, explore, live...wander...

The problem is that decisions are taken by both mind and heart, during the day i can see the reasons to stay, to do something here and i feel satisfied with the idea of staying, but as soon as night is falling...my heart starts crying for exploring, traveling, discovering...experiencing first hand...

I guess it all comes to who you are and what are your interests and wishes, it comes to your character..

So, for all of you guys that know me, and read this post i have a question.

You know me...what should i choose? Romania and do something here or TRAVEL for a bit more...?

I would appreciate your comments...


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30th December 2008

Don't stop!
Sunt momente in viata cand ne indoim de drumul pe care trebuie sa-l luam, stam la rascruce si ne uitam dupa nori, dupa stele, iar vremea trece, apa curge. Poate Craciunul, sfarsitul de an nu este cel mai bun moment pentru astfel de decizii. Ce vreau sa spun este ca odata ce ai trait in alte parti, ai prins "gustul" otravei de a hoinari. De ce sa te opresti acum? Sunt atatea de facut, atatea de explorat, numai sa fie luate in ordinea "numerelor de pe tricou". Tot inainte, Danny!
30th December 2008

mind vs. heart??
Well, what I would say - come back to Lithuania :)) OK, I know Lithuania is not the one that can offer you a good life.. In my experience heart would always keep showing the wrong way.. Cause heart works according to our willingness and feelings, but our mind is being much more objective and would see everything in more clearly way. What do u think?! My personal opinion is that a person feels the best and can do all things in the best way just when the environment is good for him/her. I guess for most of the people having family and best friends close makes them feel satisfied. I know you are the one that likes challenging things and you've been traveling a lot.. But I think settling down somewhere and beginning everything by finding a job, creating your own family and starting to build up your life from the background would be the best way. Because when you are "on a road" all the time you are just floating and every small wind can blow you to the side you do not really want to go. And when you don't have where to hold yourself to it is very hard to resist to that big current.. So, you have to stick yourself somewhere to be strong.. If you feel that Romania is the place - stay there. I would say one thing - during years you were traveling but did not really find yourself in any country you've been to. You came back to Romania, to your roots. This should tell you something. Maybe it is not that easy to be far away from your homeland, hometown, family, friends,... Wish you all the best! And always caring about u!
30th December 2008

you know what i think
hello hello you know better than anyone what i think: i guess traveling is cool and i know you really enjoyed these years, but i think it's time for you to settle and build a life here. maybe i am selfish or maybe not. i don't think that staying here means that the traveling is over, no, you will explore more but from other point of view: maybe tourist; think about it and remember you are the only one that can take this decision!
1st January 2009

Dragule, tin minte si acum conversatia din acel pub, din martie, din Vilnius, in care tu si Alisa ma convingeati cum sa plec intr-un eXchange e cel mai bine pt mine, iar a merge in Europa e plictisitor :). Uite ca voi m-ati motivat si am plecat din nou de "acasa". Insa inainte, am fost, ca si tine, intr-o mare cumpana. Inca ma gandesc daca am facut bine sa plec din nou, sa o iau iara de la inceput intr-un alt loc. Dupa cum te stiu pe tine insa, ti-e mai usor sa te adaptezi si iti place sa fii provocat de un mediu nou. Nimeni nu poate sa-ti zica ce decizie sa iei. Cred ca numai tu stii ce sa faci cu viata ta si stii asta deja :) o stii in inima ta! Sfatul meu este sa-ti asculti inima; eu tare cred ca inima sau intuitia (daca vrei sa-i zici asa) iti va zice adevarul si te va ghida in directia buna! Multa intelepciune la decizii si La multi ani!
1st January 2009

hey there stranger! :)
Hey, am citit ce ai scris si comentariile si stiu ca nu e o intrebare usoara si raspunsul cu siguranta nu e unul singur... si depinde atat de mult de istoria noastra personala, de tot ce am trait si simtit!... In loc sa dau sfaturi cred ca cel mai usor e sa ma dau pe mine insami ca exemplu. Am fost plecata 4 ani de zile, Turcia, Columbia, Anglia. Cred ca idea sa ma intorc acasa m-a ingrozit intotdeauna pt ca mereu m-am gandit ca acasa nu ma asteapta nimic si nu e nici o perspectiva... acum o luna insa in the spur of a mad moment, nici nu imi aduc aminte bine de ce si ce mi-a mers asa rau in ziua respectiva, pur si simplu m-am dus la calculator si mi-am rezervat un bilet one-way acasa. Si, da, sunt dispusa sa dau Romaniei o sansa si sa incerc ceva acasa... nu stiu ce o sa fie, cum o sa fie, usor nu e nicaieri in lume la momentul actual, dar sunt dispusa sa incerc acasa. Si nu e o dovada de patriotism , de iubire de tara, nimic de genul asta, e vorba ca vreau pur si simplu sa prind radacini undeva, sa simt ca fac ceva, achieve ceva... Mi-am implinit visul de a calatori, de a vedea lumea, mi-am facut prieteni in toata colturile lumii, am vazut in 4 ani lucruri pe care parintii mei nu le-au vazut intr-o viata de om, acum simt nevoia sa realizez ceva...altceva, de alta natura.Ceva mai substantial, intr-un fel.. cred ca e o etapa fireasca in viata oricarui om, pur si simplu e o noua etapa si sincer I'm looking forward to the challenges. Imi ofer singura un plan B si un deadline, adica daca in 6 luni nu reusesc sa imi gasesc un job macar jumatate din ce visez, ma pot intoarce oricand in londra sau pot merge altundeva... dar pt moment, i just want to be home. Cred ca mai e si un alt aspect f important- cred ca noi, cei tineri, cu experienta @ am condamnat intotdeuana Rom pt lipsa de oportunitati, imbecilitate, coruptie etc. What about doing smth about it? Sunt convinsa ca cei care se intorc imbogatiti spiritual si ca experienta culturala internationala pot oferi tarii o noua perspectiva si pot participa la o schimbare benefica in folosul tarii.... sunt multe plusuri care le putem aduce si sunt convinsa ca e nevoie de noi si ca putem face o diferenta. Putem pune tot ce am invatat in practica si realiza proiecte frumoase... atata timp cat vrem... dar cred ca e important sa stim ce vrem... sau macar sa ajungem sa ne auto-educam sa invatam ce vrem... nici eu nu stiu 100% ce vreau...asta a fost mereu marea mea problema... pt ca pt fiecare decizie care o iei sa stau intr-un loc si sa iti ieie un job etc, iti refuzi practic o multitudine de alte optiuni...asa ca trebuie doar sa iti dai seama in ce etapa a viatii tale esti, unde te afli acum, de ce ai nevoie, ce iti trebuie, ce o sa te faca implinit? fericit? sa iti puna a huge genuine smile on your face? :) Sunt la Gaesti la ai mei acum, stau cu ei 2-3 saptamani inainte sa ma mut inapoi in Pitesti.... sper sa ajung oricum saptamana viitoare ca mi-e dor rau de oras...o sa te sun curand.... Pupici multi si un An Nou plin de challenges si accomplishments, asa cum iti plac tie!!! Mona xxx
10th January 2009

Eu zic sa...
eu zic sa faci ce simti ACUM. adica traieste prezentul. daca ACUM simti ca vrei sa stai...stai...daca simti ca ai vrea o masina noua, ia o masina noua si basta...daca maine o sa simti ca vrei sa pleci, pleaca...vei gasi ceva de facut cu ce ai aici. stiu, egreu sa te apuci sa strangi chestii ca apoi daca vrei sa pleci te gandesti de acum ce vei face cu ele...nu te mai gandi atat. fa ce simti si traieste in prezent. si as mai zice un lucru...poti sa pleci ORICAND. daca incepi sa iti construiesti o viata aici dar vrei sa pleci crezi ca nu o sa poti pleca? o sa poti pleca si cu copil sugar si cu 3 neveste, daca o sa simti ca vrei sa pleci, o sa pleci. la fel si cu statul. un singur sfat am: nu fa credite! daca faci datorii nu o sa mai poti fi liber sa alegi sa faci ce simti...si o sa fie...trist.
14th April 2009

Follow your heart!
Hey, I don't don't know you but I think I understand your dilemma. I don't really agree with the last post. Traveling with a baby and 3 wives will not be easy. Once you set up your roots in one place and have a wife and family it won't be as easy to leave everything and travel months on end. There will be responsibilities as well as compromises that would have to be made. All I can say is that if I was in your shoes, I would keep travelling a bit more. But of course, only you know what is best for you. You have to find that balance that satisfies both your mind and your heart. Ask yourself this: one day when you will lie on your death bed, what will you be most glad for, that you trvelled and explored, or that you set up your life in one place? When all material things are taken away from you, you will only have your experiences. Good luck and I hope you make the right decision for yourself! :)
4th November 2009

life is short
LIFE IS SHORT....viata e chiar f scurta si mai ales imprevizibila, de aceea trebuie sa ne o facem cat mai frumoasa.... nu am decat 26 de ani si nu sunt vreun fiozof vestit care isi prezinta aici ideile si mai ales si le impune, insa, o experienta de viata, m-a marcat enorm si m-a facut sa intelg multe lucruri. Acum 3 ani de zile, am fost f aproape de moarte.Deoarece am petrecut mult timp in pat, in spital si acasa, AMITIRILE din toate locurile minunate, unde am calatorit....m-au ajutat enorm. Dupa cum zicea si Ramona in comentrariul ei, lucrurile materiale nu au nici o valoare.....Asadar, toate lucurile frumoase pe care le aduna omul.....sunt amintirile. In momentele acelea de groaza, am simtit ceea ce este mai important pe lumea asta...insa, in acelasi timp, am regretat ca nu am fam. mea... Binenteles, parintii, fratii, pretenii, mi-au fost aproape, insa simteam ca lipseste ceva. Asadar nu uita, Dumnezeu e minunat, toate lucrurile nemateriale primeaza in fata lucrurile materiale si fa doar ce simti!!!

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