Cold Windy Night in the Norwegian Moutains

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Europe » Norway
August 29th 2005
Published: September 1st 2005
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An entire rainbow!

We left early for the four hour trip to the Norwegian mountains. On the way I saw for the first time both the beginning and end of a rainbow. Our camp was right by a lake in the middle of a group of mountains. It was very windy and a little chilly with a some sprinkles but very beautiful. Our camp was about a 5 minute walk from where we parked but we all helped to unload and set up camp. Many of us wore coats and pants from the Norwegian army (that is also where we got the four huge tents we used). After setting up the tents we got into teams of five and had some team challenges. The challenges consisted of: carrying the strongest guy to some location and back in the fastest time, all the team climbing into a tree, making shelter just out of what we had with us, finding someone placed in the mountain and running towards him while all holding hands (this was actually quite difficult especially because we started running before we spotted him and the terrain was kind of difficult with trees, undergrowth and streams), building a fire that lasted for

By the campsite.
a minute despite the wind, putting 10 live ants in a matchbox, the final challenge was going into the lake knee deep - this one was actually just a joke but some were actually about to do it although this Texas girl was not). Then we had dinner by the camp fire in our tin pots. The wind picked up that night into the level of a storm so we were unable to light the furnace in our tent. I didn’t really sleep that night because I was too cold and the wind was too loud nor did I bother to walk the 8 minutes to a bathroom to brush my teeth.

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We had to run up the side of this mountain holding hands to find someone standing on the side.

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