Still In OSLO....some extra bits and pieces of my adventures

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June 29th 2006
Published: June 29th 2006
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Intensity rayne
What can I say....since I hit the ground in Norway...esther has had me a good way, but damn she is one fit chick and it is hard to keep up (being jet lagged) with the norwegian I have left you telling you about the 6 hours descent hike that left our quads burning for DAYS. It is now Day 3 after the hike...and my typical 2 day DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is still with me and I have to compete in two days. We are both walking like cripples...and getting down any stair case or incline has proven to be excruciating. So the day after the hike....what does the crazy norwegian get me to do.....KAYAK in the fjords....just cause you have to kayak......the thing is the instant I get in to a kayak....and SHANE can attest this....I get into murray marathon mode and go for gold....screw a nice leisurely paddle...poor esther was a little overwhelmed by my intensity....but we made good distance ....... ah Rayne....I need to CHILL OUT! Sometimes I am far to competitive for my own good.

So now we are training and I am bloody so sore .....and I think I have a minimum
Esther has had enoughEsther has had enoughEsther has had enough

Esther prefers the effiency of rowing over kayaking anyday!
of four races...if not more with heats...ahead of me in two days.....come on legs.....

On our way back form Flam....esther and I drove some really amazing landscape.......check out the beautiful reflective pictiure of the mountain tops into the lake.....I have to say I am pretty happy with the picture.

But the funny story of this blog has to be my attempt to take some pictures of the Goats. These animals rule the road and just cross at their own whim...and we stumbled upon them....Esther stopped the car and told me to take a picture out of the window.......I said "stuff that.....I am getting out to take a picture of these cuties!" So As I tried to align the picture to get the best outcome.....and not to my knowledge......the Goats started to turn Towards me........(remember that the sheep in the hills...accept for the licking one...are pretty afraid of humans).........GOATS ARE NOT! Esther yells at me.....".they are coming for you!" ...I freak out and start running towards the they were going to attack if! But I managed in all my ultimate coolness to slam myself into the spaz....but it gave esther a serious deep belly laugh for like a 100Ks after the fact.....I had to laugh...what a tool.

SO Now I pass the laptop over to Esther and let you know what she thinks of me as a travelling partner!!!!

Ha ha ha (still laughing at Rayne). Yes this silly canadian australian is a lazy bum compared to the japanese tourist stamina. Wants to sleep in, lie in the sun, doesn't care about a unique opportunity to paddle the magnificent fjords of Norway... So I'll have to slow down and try not to pack the day with touristy things. Bit sore myself so I don't really mind. We'll have to do Oslo when we get back from Denmark...we'll have two days.. ;-)

So she loves me......

"please note the goat pictures...first one fine,..then notice the fuzzy one....that is where I AM RUNNING FOR MY FRIGGEN LIFE! to kick some danish ARSE.....

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