Classes have started

Europe » Kosovo » Centre » Prishtina
December 5th 2007
Published: December 5th 2007
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How Y'all doin' today, I have been pestered via email to update the blog, by a friend who shall remain nameless, but she knows who she is, and if you don't you work....ummm are employed by Martha Stewart!!!!!!

So anyways last Sunday was a beautiful day, I woke up the sun was shinning, I get out of bed grab my camera and head into the city center, I walk at least an hour, have a cup of coffee at a little cafe. Walk a little, I see a really cool building pull out the camera and it won't turn on!!!!! The battery is dead! So I start heading back, every bus stop I get to the bus is just pulling away, so after the 3rd time, I decide to just keep walking. I get back to the campus and it is now a little after is pitch black dark here by 4pm so I decide to not walk back down for to make a short story even longer, NO NEW pictures because I left the spare battery in my apartment.

I have taught exactly 7.5% of my total classes in Kosovo, is it a bad or a good sign that it took me less than 15 seconds to figure that out? Everyday has gotten a little better teaching, my pronounciations of the names are either getting better or they are used to me killing the names already. It is difficult because some of the names have multiple pronounciations for instance YLL, the gentlemen in last nights class told "ill" just like you are sick......the guy in todays class was is much different....after wasting 5 min of classtime I gave up and moved on. but I have a few native american names up my sleeve to see if they can pronounce them correctly.....90% of america can't pronoun Irondequoit. The students for the most part the same as in the states, although I must admit I was very surprised that a good portion of my students actually read the reading assignments. I promise an update with lots of pictures over the weekend!!!!!!!!

Take Care,



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